Saturday, June 7, 2014


Information in lists:
  • Link to List
  • Link to Thread
  • Date Poll Suggested
  • Simple Poll?
    • SP - Designated a Simple Poll by author
    • sc - Meets criteria for a Simple Polls
    • FF - Friday Face-Off
    • xx - Does not meet Simple Poll criteria
    • -- - Data not available
  • Number of Choices
    • C followed by number of choices
    • Cxx - Data not available
  • Number of lines in poll description
    • L followed by number of lines
    • Lxx - Data not available
  • Link Back to Thread
    • LB - Working link back to thread
    • nl - No working link back to thread
  • Number of published Poll from this author
    • New - New author, no published polls
    • P followed by the number of published polls
  • Title of Poll
  • (Author of Poll)

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Poll Suggestions Simple Polls

Poll Suggestions which have not been Used

Key | Index of Polls
List Thread 27-Jun-12 SP C06 L02 LB P61 -- Favorite of the Current Crop of Kates (jalapenoman)
List Thread 07-Jan-13 sc C05 L01 nl P61 EX Favorite Jimmy Stewart/Henry Koster Collaboration (jalapenoman)
List Thread 25-Jun-13 sc C05 L01 LB P49 -- Favorite Cinematic Season (dan_dassow)
List Thread 23-Aug-13 sc C08 L00 nl P01 -- Which is your favorite Wil Wheaton character? (bbsadmin)
List Thread 24-Aug-13 sc C08 L00 nl P124 -- Favorite of the film with the most Oscar wins by decade (ElMaruecan82)
List Thread 26-Aug-13 sc C03 L01 nl P173 -- Cavill, Garfield or Bale? (Rafael_M)
List Thread 04-Sep-13 sc C07 L01 nl P173 EX Favorite first impression of an actor playing James Bond? (Rafael_M)
List Thread 04-Sep-13 sc C04 L01 nl P49 -- What is your most anticipated space based film? (dan_dassow)
List Thread 05-Sep-13 sc C04 L01 nl P173 EX Favorite Oscar nom. performance in a Tarantino film? (Rafael_M)
List Thread 05-Sep-13 sc C07 L01 nl P04 EX Favourite Heisei Godzilla film? (Monkey_in_a_Suit)
List Thread 05-Sep-13 sc C04 L00 nl P61 -- Should the new IMDB poll include answers like.... (jalapenoman)
List Thread 05-Sep-13 sc C04 L01 nl P165 EX Favorite person who will receive an honorary Oscar this year (yrnej)
List Thread 08-Sep-13 sc C05 L00 nl P124 EX Favorite director named David? (ElMaruecan82)
List Thread 08-Sep-13 sc C07 L00 nl P165 EX Favorite Clint Eastwood/Geoffrey Lewis collaboration? (yrnej)
List Thread 08-Sep-13 sc C04 L01 nl P173 EX Damon or Affleck spy? (Rafael_M)
List Thread 15-Sep-13 sc C06 L00 nl New EX Nominees for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series (Cyborg_Turkey)
List Thread 16-Sep-13 sc C06 L00 nl P165 EX Favorite Emma? (yrnej)
List Thread 19-Sep-13 sc C03 L00 nl P165 EX Favorite Nolan Batman film? (yrnej)
List Thread 20-Sep-13 sc C08 L03 nl P37 EX What is your favorite Harry Dean Stanton movie character? (BoltBait)
List Thread 24-Sep-13 FF C02 L01 nl P173 EX Kirk or Picard? (Rafael_M)
List Thread 26-Sep-13 sc C07 L00 nl P173 EX Favorite movie directed by Zack Snyder? (Rafael_M)
List Thread 26-Sep-13 sc C05 L02 nl P173 EX Favorite movie directed by J.J. Abrams? (Rafael_M)
List Thread 02-Oct-13 FF C02 L02 LB P173 EX Potter vs. Baggins (Rafael_M)
List Thread 29-Oct-13 sc C05 L00 nl P165 -- Favorite 21st Century Polanski film? (yrnej)
List Thread 04-Nov-13 sc C05 L01 nl P165 -- Which of these new TV shows 'on the bubble' would you save? (yrnej)
List Thread 09-Nov-13 sc C05 L00 nl P06 -- Franchises That Get Better With Each Installment? (vibhorpanda29)
List Thread 11-Nov-13 sc C08 L00 nl New -- Best Christopher Nolan movie.. (shubham-departedsoul)
List Thread 18-Nov-13 sc C08 L01 LB P09 -- Director: Quentin Tarantino (dadolo1987)
List Thread 20-Nov-13 SP C08 L01 LB P124 -- Favorite Harrison Ford film nominated for Best Picture? (ElMaruecan82)
List Thread 22-Nov-13 FF C02 L01 nl P165 -- Russ Meyer or Roger Corman? (yrnej)
List Thread 23-Nov-13 sc C04 L00 nl P165 -- Favorite non-Matrix film made by the Wachowskis? (yrnej)
List Thread 23-Nov-13 sc C03 L01 nl New -- Favorite geographically-titled movie? (lee_eisenberg)
List Thread 24-Nov-13 sc C04 L00 nl P01 -- Favourite Chris Lilley mocumentary series? (Catnip_Everdeen)
List Thread 25-Nov-13 sc C03 L02 nl P165 -- Upcoming film by an Oscar-winning director you most want to see? (yrnej)
List Thread 28-Nov-13 sc C07 L02 nl New -- Best House M.D. Side Character (Galeon)
List Thread 01-Dec-13 sc C07 L00 nl P165 -- Favorite sequel to an Oscar-winning performance*? (yrnej)
List Thread 03-Dec-13 sc C05 L01 LB P09 -- Horror movie that is closest to the original writers concept (brien1951)
List Thread 05-Dec-13 sc C06 L02 nl New -- Best big budgeted post-apocalyptic ad. Movie (Supperhero)
List Thread 05-Dec-13 sc C07 L00 nl New -- Best famous psychopath 'antihero' (Supperhero)
List Thread 07-Dec-13 sc C05 L00 nl P04 -- Favorite multi-doctor 'Doctor Who' story? (MrX2848)
List Thread 07-Dec-13 sc C04 L02 nl P165 EX Favorite music film nominated for a Grammy this year? (yrnej)
List Thread 08-Dec-13 sc C06 L01 LB P165 -- Which original Desperate Housewife are you most like? (yrnej)
List Thread 11-Dec-13 SP C10 L02 LB P61 -- Most Successful Cast Member Post Mary Tyler Moore Show (jalapenoman)
List Thread 14-Dec-13 sc C08 L00 nl New -- 2014 Aaron Paul Emmy and Globe submission (the-hero-10)
List Thread 14-Dec-13 sc C08 L00 nl P01 -- Sexiest James Bond (Catnip_Everdeen)
List Thread 14-Dec-13 sc C04 L00 LB P165 -- Who do you want to be YOUR girl? (yrnej)
List Thread 16-Dec-13 sc C03 L01 LB P61 -- Three great actors all died this week (jalapenoman)
List Thread 16-Dec-13 sc C05 L01 LB P165 -- Five best-selling soundtracks of 2013? (yrnej)
List Thread 17-Dec-13 sc C03 L00 LB P165 -- Favorite 2013 Black TV series? (yrnej)
List Thread 20-Dec-13 sc C06 L00 LB P165 -- Favorite Favorite? (yrnej)
List Thread 22-Dec-13 sc C06 L02 LB P15 -- Rotten Kid/Bully (horn-5)
List Thread 22-Dec-13 sc C08 L00 LB P165 -- Film opening 12/25/13 you most want to see? (yrnej)
List Thread 25-Dec-13 SP C10 L01 LB P37 -- What is your favorite Sci-Fi TV show? (BoltBait)
List Thread 27-Dec-13 sc C05 L02 LB P165 -- Marty loves Leo. (yrnej)
List Thread 27-Dec-13 sc C03 L01 LB P165 -- Classic '80s film featuring Kenny Loggins songs? (yrnej)
List Thread 29-Dec-13 sc C07 L01 LB P165 -- Crowdfunded movies? (yrnej)
List Thread 30-Dec-13 sc C08 L01 LB P37 -- Which of Pres. Obama's favorite TV shows surprises you most? (BoltBait)
List Thread 31-Dec-13 sc C07 L01 LB P37 -- Which Priest do you trust the most? (BoltBait)
List Thread 06-Jan-14 SP C17 L02 LB P88 -- Nolan's Favourites (jamesh5)
List Thread 06-Jan-14 SP C10 L02 LB P30 -- How Would You Travel Through Time? (john-hitchcock)
List Thread 12-Jan-14 SP C10 L02 LB P124 -- Baby names ruined by movies … (ElMaruecan82)
List Thread 12-Jan-14 sc C05 L01 nl New -- Best IMF Team (diegofernandezarujomalvi)
List Thread 14-Jan-14 sc C06 L01 nl New -- Favorite Film that has a hopeless feel (Silence-Is-Deafening)
List Thread 16-Jan-14 SP C04 L02 LB P73 -- Jack Ryan, from Red October to Shadow Recruit (cartman_1337)
List Thread 18-Jan-14 sc C04 L03 LB P38 -- Which Season Do You Go To the Theater the Most? (napierslogs)
List Thread 19-Jan-14 SP C04 L03 LB P17 -- Favorite of the Fab Four (alioth4)
List Thread 21-Jan-14 sc C03 L01 nl P02 -- Who is the greater Star of 'The Towering Inferno'? (albstein)
List Thread 21-Jan-14 SP C12 L03 LB P30 -- Who Looks Best in a Spacesuit? (john-hitchcock)
List Thread 30-Jan-14 sc C05 L00 nl P124 -- Favorite self-parodying movie performance (ElMaruecan82)
List Thread 04-Feb-14 SP C09 L03 LB P48 -- What should be the next sequel to 28 Days Later? (TsarStepan)
List Thread 04-Feb-14 FF C02 L08 LB P30 -- Friday Face-Off Between David Lynch and David Cronenberg (john-hitchcock)
List Thread 05-Feb-14 FF C02 L09 LB P124 -- Otto vs. Wilson (ElMaruecan82)
List Thread 05-Feb-14 FF C02 L01 LB P49 -- Friday Face-Off Morlocks Vs. Eloi (dan_dassow)
List Thread 07-Feb-14 FF C02 L03 LB P30 -- Most Romantic Shipboard Wedding? (john-hitchcock)
List Thread 08-Feb-14 FF C02 L02 LB P17 -- Ginger, or Mary Ann? (alioth4)
List Thread 08-Feb-14 Ff C02 L02 LB P92 -- Grant vs Grant (cocoken)
List Thread 08-Feb-14 FF C02 L04 LB P17 -- Friday Faceoff: James T. Kirk, or Denny Crane? (alioth4)
List Thread 11-Feb-14 FF C02 L03 LB P38 -- Friday Face-Off: Crash vs. Brokeback Mountain (napierslogs)
List Thread 12-Feb-14 SP C09 L01 LB P165 -- Hockey, eh? (yrnej)
List Thread 13-Feb-14 SP C06 L02 LB P92 -- No Special Effects (cocoken)
List Thread 15-Feb-14 sc C08 L00 nl New -- Best movie of Christopher Nolan (Youssef08)
List Thread 17-Feb-14 sc C08 L01 LB P33 -- What Character From Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Are You? (borimor)
List Thread 17-Feb-14 FF C02 L02 LB P48 -- Friday Faceoff, Which djinni would you want helping you? (TsarStepan)
List Thread 18-Feb-14 sc C05 L01 nl New -- Dinosaur Food (TheFRoyale)
List Thread 19-Feb-14 FF C02 L02 LB P30 -- Friday Face-Off: Blondie vs. Jim (john-hitchcock)
List Thread 19-Feb-14 sc C07 L03 nl New -- Best Death Scene in Se7en (lilhammer3991)
List Thread 20-Feb-14 sc C08 L00 nl New -- Favourite Paul Dano Characters (rr-spence)
List Thread 21-Feb-14 SP C06 L01 LB P29 -- Order a Sequel (pbn)
List Thread 23-Feb-14 sc C03 L01 nl New -- Best sitcom of all times. (mrjutt36)
List Thread 23-Feb-14 sc C08 L02 LB New -- Early African-American television series (1948-1954) (JeiceWarrior)
List Thread 23-Feb-14 SP C08 L01 LB P29 -- Favorite 'Girls' character? (pbn)
List Thread 24-Feb-14 sc C08 L00 nl New -- Best performance by Robert De Niro in Martin Scorsese (sania-amin1)
List Thread 24-Feb-14 FF C02 L03 nl New -- Who would win in a fist fight? (tristanking7)
List Thread 24-Feb-14 sc C06 L00 LB New -- which of these characters would be the scariest if… (mikefot)
List Thread 24-Feb-14 sc C03 L01 LB P33 -- Harry Potter - The books or the Movies? (borimor)
List Thread 24-Feb-14 sc C07 L02 LB P30 -- Which Space Civilian Crew Would You Join? (john-hitchcock)
List Thread 24-Feb-14 sc C07 L00 LB New -- With who of those characters you would not mess… (mikefot)
List Thread 25-Feb-14 FF C02 L04 LB P173 -- S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Grant Ward vs. Billionaire Playboy Oliver Queen (Rafael_M)
List Thread 27-Feb-14 FF C02 L03 LB P33 -- Friday Face-Off: Darkman vs. Spider-Man (sheetsadam1)
List Thread 27-Feb-14 FF C02 L04 LB P33 -- Friday Face-Off: Unforgiven vs. Million Dollar Baby (sheetsadam1)
List Thread 27-Feb-14 FF C02 L01 LB P173 -- Red Skull vs. Green Mask (Rafael_M)
List Thread 27-Feb-14 sc C07 L02 LB P33 -- Acclaimed Directors who worked for Roger Corman (sheetsadam1)
List Thread 28-Feb-14 SP C10 L00 LB P48 -- Which of these movies needs a modern update? (TsarStepan)
List Thread 01-Mar-14 FF C02 L03 LB P33 -- Friday Face-Off: Ed Wood vs. Uwe Boll (sheetsadam1)
List Thread 04-Mar-14 sc C03 L01 LB P33 -- Do you watch a movie trailer before seeing the film? (borimor)
List Thread 04-Mar-14 FF C02 L00 LB P33 -- Celebrities doing voices in Animated Film, Good or Bad? (borimor)
List Thread 04-Mar-14 sc C07 L00 LB P165 -- Favorite current late night tv band? (yrnej)
List Thread 05-Mar-14 FF C02 L01 LB P33 -- Friday Face-Off: Winter Vs Summer (borimor)
List Thread 09-Mar-14 FF C02 L01 LB P48 -- Friday Faceoff James Spader vs James Spader! (TsarStepan)
List Thread 10-Mar-14 SP C06 L02 LB P48 -- Who would you want to be your travelling companion? (TsarStepan)
List Thread 11-Mar-14 sc C05 L01 nl New -- Imagine What They Can Do With Congress (MurphAndTheMagicTones)
List Thread 11-Mar-14 sc C08 L01 LB P33 -- If these titles were completely opposite from the original.. (borimor)
List Thread 13-Mar-14 sc C05 L02 LB P33 -- Favorite song from The Lion King (borimor)
List Thread 14-Mar-14 FF C02 L03 LB P30 -- Friday Face-Off: Mulholland Dr. Vs. Brokeback Mountain (john-hitchcock)
List Thread 15-Mar-14 FF C02 L04 LB P03 -- Friday Face-Off: The Cast of Sleuth (1972) (Graham_the_Eskimo_Chapman)
List Thread 15-Mar-14 FF C02 L04 LB P33 -- Friday Face-Off: Not a Typical Rat (borimor)
List Thread 15-Mar-14 FF C02 L02 LB P33 -- Friday Face-Off: Bad Blake vs Llewyn Davis (borimor)
List Thread 16-Mar-14 sc C05 L01 LB P04 -- Favourite Scooby Doo Character (Eagles90)
List Thread 16-Mar-14 sc C05 L00 LB P124 -- Are you a fan of 'Malcolm in the Middle'? (ElMaruecan82)
List Thread 17-Mar-14 sc C04 L03 nl P15 -- Best Movies Seen at the 4077th M.A.S.H. Theatre Tent (horn-5)
List Thread 18-Mar-14 sc C06 L01 LB P165 -- Redford the Spy (yrnej)
List Thread 19-Mar-14 FF C02 L03 LB P88 -- The Shawshank Redemption Vs The Godfather (jamesh5)
List Thread 20-Mar-14 sc C03 L01 nl P64 -- Dwayne Johnson's Best performance as an Add-On Hero (babuandbabu)
List Thread 21-Mar-14 sc C08 L00 LB P64 -- Worst Alien Invasion Movie with Great CGI (babuandbabu)
List Thread 21-Mar-14 FF C02 L04 LB P48 -- Friday Faceoff: Two Americans in Barcelona? (TsarStepan)
List Thread 22-Mar-14 FF C02 L03 LB P48 -- FRIDAY FACEOFF: Lifeboat companions? (TsarStepan)
List Thread 24-Mar-14 sc C06 L01 LB P165 -- Which of the Saved by the Bell kids are you? (yrnej)
List Thread 26-Mar-14 sc C05 L01 LB P48 -- Bradley Cooper + whip + leather jacket + fedora = Indiana Jones? (TsarStepan)
List Thread 26-Mar-14 FF C02 L01 LB P33 -- Friday Face-Off: Charlie Chaplin vs. Buster Keaton (sheetsadam1)
List Thread 27-Mar-14 sc C08 L03 LB P03 -- Nightmare on Elm Street with the Best Dream Sequences? (Graham_the_Eskimo_Chapman)
List Thread 27-Mar-14 FF C02 L03 LB P30 -- Friday Face-Off: Shipboard Weddings (john-hitchcock)
List Thread 29-Mar-14 FF C02 L01 LB P64 -- Friday Face-off : Zartan VS Mystique (babuandbabu)
List Thread 30-Mar-14 sc C06 L01 nl New -- Which celebrity past or present do you think has the (Skyrider01)
List Thread 31-Mar-14 sc C08 L00 LB P165 -- Favorite fantasy/sci-fi/horror show currently on the CW? (yrnej)
List Thread 31-Mar-14 FF C02 L01 nl New -- All-Time Greatest Western Star (MC_Cinemaniac)
List Thread 31-Mar-14 sc C08 L02 LB P64 -- I am feeling déjà vu (babuandbabu)
List Thread 01-Apr-14 FF C02 L07 LB P124 -- And the 4th Oscar goes to … (ElMaruecan82)
List Thread 01-Apr-14 sc C03 L00 LB P165 -- How do you feel about the 24 reboot? (yrnej)
List Thread 03-Apr-14 FF C02 L02 LB P73 -- Friday Face-Off: Hollywood's Ark (cartman_1337)
List Thread 03-Apr-14 SP C04 L01 LB P64 -- Best Cyber-Warfare Movie (babuandbabu)
List Thread 03-Apr-14 FF C02 L03 LB P48 -- Friday faceoff: Hawkeye vs Hawkeye? (TsarStepan)
List Thread 03-Apr-14 FF C02 L01 LB P64 -- Gravity VS Love (babuandbabu)
List Thread 03-Apr-14 sc C02 L00 LB P64 -- Worst Action Team (Post 2000) (babuandbabu)
List Thread 04-Apr-14 FF C02 L00 nl P01 -- bruce wayne vs tony stark (schwartzariel10)
List Thread 04-Apr-14 sc C02 L00 nl P01 -- bruce wayne vs tony stark (schwartzariel10)
List Thread 04-Apr-14 FF C02 L02 LB P124 -- Marcellus vs. William … (ElMaruecan82)
List Thread 04-Apr-14 sc C08 L00 nl New -- Best Stand Alone Disney-Marvel Movie so far? (rikikinch)
List Thread 05-Apr-14 FF C02 L03 LB P33 -- Friday Face-Off: Harry Callahan vs. Paul Kersey (sheetsadam1)
List Thread 06-Apr-14 sc C07 L01 nl New -- The Next James Bond (glenn_connor)
List Thread 07-Apr-14 FF C02 L02 LB P165 -- Friday Face-Off: Best film portrayal of Beast? (yrnej)
List Thread 07-Apr-14 sc C08 L02 LB P165 -- It's Bee Season! (yrnej)
List Thread 08-Apr-14 FF C02 L01 LB P06 -- Friday faceoff poll suggestion: Jokers wild (otter68)
List Thread 08-Apr-14 FF C03 L01 nl New -- Face-off Breaking Bad vs The Wire ! (arnitchetry10)
List Thread 08-Apr-14 FF C02 L01 nl P06 -- face off suggestion: Doctors on wheels (otter68)
List Thread 09-Apr-14 sc C06 L02 LB P48 -- The most important poll of all time! (TsarStepan)
List Thread 10-Apr-14 sc C06 L01 LB P12 -- are you ok with sex/nudity in film ? (sarizonana)
List Thread 11-Apr-14 FF C02 L02 LB P33 -- Friday Face-Off: Tony Jaa vs. Iko Uwais (sheetsadam1)
List Thread 11-Apr-14 FF C02 L01 LB P48 -- FRIDAY FACEOFF: Unfinished Epics (TsarStepan)
List Thread 12-Apr-14 FF C02 L01 nl New -- Beaking Bad vs Game of Thrones (lakshaynagpal1994)
List Thread 12-Apr-14 FF C02 L00 nl P64 -- Most Beautiful Prego Celebrity (babuandbabu)
List Thread 13-Apr-14 FF C02 L03 LB P44 -- Friday Face-Off: Olympus Has Fallen vs. White House Down (Ferry_Silitonga)
List Thread 14-Apr-14 sc C07 L00 nl P64 -- Coolest Dragon Flyer (babuandbabu)
List Thread 14-Apr-14 sc C05 L02 LB P64 -- Toughest Infected Character (babuandbabu)
List Thread 16-Apr-14 SP C20 L02 LB P88 -- Pixar Vs Dreamworks V Ghibli Vs Disney (jamesh5)
List Thread 18-Apr-14 FF C02 L05 LB P64 -- War Machine Vs Gipsy Danger (babuandbabu)
List Thread 18-Apr-14 FF C02 L05 LB P30 -- Friday Face-Off: Sam Bell vs. Ryan Stone (john-hitchcock)
List Thread 18-Apr-14 sc C05 L01 LB P64 -- Cold Blooded Killer Born! (babuandbabu)
List Thread 20-Apr-14 sc C04 L01 nl New -- WHICH OF THESE FILMS ARE YOU MOST LIKELY TO SURVIVE IN? (Parentalguide44)
List Thread 21-Apr-14 sc C04 L01 LB P165 -- Movie versions of classic kid's books celebrating 50 years (yrnej)
List Thread 24-Apr-14 FF C02 L02 LB P73 -- Friday (Horror Movie Remake) Face-Off: Evil Dead (cartman_1337)
List Thread 24-Apr-14 sc C08 L02 nl P01 -- Robots or clones? (oceeprime)
List Thread 30-Apr-14 FF C02 L01 nl P06 -- Friday faceoff suggestion (otter68)
List Thread 01-May-14 FF C02 L01 LB P64 -- Poison Ivy Vs. Viper (babuandbabu)
List Thread 01-May-14 FF C02 L01 LB P64 -- Friday Face-Off : Kevin Flynn Vs. CLU (babuandbabu)
List Thread 01-May-14 FF C02 L02 LB P64 -- Sam Worthington VS Sam Worthington (babuandbabu)
List Thread 06-May-14 sc C06 L02 LB P09 -- Monkeys I Wouldn't Want to Meet (joe_538)
List Thread 06-May-14 FF C02 L01 nl P06 -- Friday faceoff poll suggestion: devious teens (otter68)
List Thread 06-May-14 FF C02 L01 LB P02 -- favorite Spider-Man actress born November 6th (Jyri_Krr)
List Thread 11-May-14 sc C06 L02 nl New -- Best Batman (cdull)
List Thread 12-May-14 FF C02 L02 LB New -- Best Spiderman? (Majnus1989)
List Thread 12-May-14 FF C02 L01 LB New -- Spider-Man vs. Spider-Man! (Majnus1989)
List Thread 13-May-14 FF C02 L02 LB P33 -- Friday Face-Off: Battle of the MacLeods (sheetsadam1)
List Thread 14-May-14 sc C08 L01 LB P64 -- The Greats (babuandbabu)
List Thread 14-May-14 FF C07 L03 LB P44 -- Friday Face-Off: Up vs. Toy Story 3 (Ferry_Silitonga)
List Thread 15-May-14 FF C02 L02 LB P64 -- Iron Man Vs. Iron Patriot (babuandbabu)
List Thread 15-May-14 FF C02 L02 LB P64 -- Friday Face-Off : Good News vs Bad News (babuandbabu)
List Thread 15-May-14 FF C02 L01 LB P06 -- Friday faceoff suggestion: Best pirate (otter68)
List Thread 15-May-14 sc C08 L01 LB P64 -- One wo/man, Two Guns! (babuandbabu)
List Thread 15-May-14 FF C02 L02 LB P173 -- Friday Face-Off: Jimi or Jim (Rafael_M)
List Thread 15-May-14 FF C04 L02 LB P01 -- Friday Face-Off: Frears v. Sands (Harbottle-64)
List Thread 16-May-14 sc C02 L01 LB P15 -- God vs. Chuck Norris (ithais22)
List Thread 17-May-14 sc C05 L01 LB P165 -- Favorite 'blended family' movie? (yrnej)
List Thread 18-May-14 FF C02 L01 LB P33 -- Friday Face-Off Suggestion: Dumb and dumberer vs. Son of Mask (borimor)
List Thread 19-May-14 FF C02 L01 LB P02 -- Friday Face Off - Peter Parker vs. Peter Parker (JuulDK)
List Thread 20-May-14 FF C02 L01 LB P64 -- Friday Face-off : Faces of Death VS Traces Of Death (babuandbabu)
List Thread 20-May-14 FF C02 L03 LB P24 -- Wolverine in the Avengers? (Pencho15)
List Thread 21-May-14 FF C02 L01 LB P173 -- Friday Face-Off / Rap Battle: Iggy vs. Chanel (Rafael_M)
List Thread 21-May-14 sc C08 L01 LB P33 -- Favorite Jamie Lee Curtis Horror Film (sheetsadam1)
List Thread 21-May-14 sc C02 L03 LB P64 -- Spetsnaz Vs Green Berets (babuandbabu)
List Thread 22-May-14 sc C08 L01 nl P29 -- Celebrities on Twitter (pbn)
List Thread 22-May-14 FF C02 L01 LB P173 -- Batman vs. Big Daddy (Rafael_M)
List Thread 22-May-14 sc C07 L01 LB P173 -- Directed (and/or Written) by Matthew Vaughn (Rafael_M)
List Thread 22-May-14 FF C02 L01 LB P64 -- Superman Vs The Flash (babuandbabu)
List Thread 22-May-14 SP C05 L01 LB P33 -- Snow White VS Snow White (borimor)
List Thread 22-May-14 SP C06 L01 LB P33 -- Most Overrated Movies of the 2000s (borimor)
List Thread 22-May-14 SP C02 L02 LB P61 -- 70's Dream Vacation Destination (jalapenoman)
List Thread 22-May-14 sc C04 L00 nl New -- The Best Actor as Batman/ Bruce Wayne (andrian-manggala-nst)
List Thread 23-May-14 SP C08 L02 LB P92 -- Nudity and Sex (cocoken)
List Thread 23-May-14 SP C06 L00 LB P33 -- What is your favorite George A. Romero zombie film? (sheetsadam1)
List Thread 23-May-14 SP C08 L03 LB P33 -- 8 Most Desirable Women of AskMen (borimor)
List Thread 24-May-14 sc C07 L00 nl New -- Best X-Men Movie (umairtariq101)
List Thread 24-May-14 sc C07 L00 nl New -- Best X-Men Movie (btudodebom2010)
List Thread 24-May-14 SP C06 L01 LB P33 -- Your Favourite Princess Bride Character (borimor)
List Thread 24-May-14 SP C08 L02 LB P33 -- Best 80s Cartoon Theme Songs (borimor)
List Thread 24-May-14 SP C03 L01 LB P24 -- Best Brando/Kazan collaboration? (Pencho15)
List Thread 24-May-14 SP C04 L01 nl P33 -- Most Irritating Female Characters On Television Today (borimor)
List Thread 24-May-14 FF C02 L01 nl P33 -- Friday Face-off: Boromir VS Frank (borimor)
List Thread 24-May-14 SP C10 L01 LB P33 -- Best Decade For Films (borimor)
List Thread 24-May-14 SP C06 L00 LB P165 -- Best Ron Howard acting performance? (yrnej)
List Thread 24-May-14 SP C05 L01 LB P33 -- Eastwood/Siegel collaborations (sheetsadam1)
List Thread 24-May-14 SP C05 L01 LB P33 -- Russell/Carpenter collaborations (sheetsadam1)
List Thread 24-May-14 SP C06 L01 LB P64 -- Bravest Clone marshal commander (babuandbabu)
List Thread 24-May-14 SP C07 L01 LB P64 -- Strongest Superman Foe (babuandbabu)
List Thread 24-May-14 SP C07 L01 LB P64 -- Favorite Color from VIBGYOR (babuandbabu)
List Thread 24-May-14 SP C07 L01 LB P64 -- David Lynch's Best Mind Screwing Movie (babuandbabu)
List Thread 24-May-14 SP C03 L01 LB P64 -- Preferable Display Unit (babuandbabu)
List Thread 24-May-14 SP C05 L00 LB P165 -- Favorite film based on a E.M. Forster novel? (yrnej)
List Thread 25-May-14 sc C05 L01 LB P12 -- Generation Romances (sarizonana)
List Thread 25-May-14 SP C06 L04 LB P61 -- Favorite Singing Duo's Variety Show (jalapenoman)
List Thread 25-May-14 SP C08 L01 LB P64 -- Favorite Batman Ally (babuandbabu)
List Thread 25-May-14 SP C06 L01 LB P61 -- Favorite Journey Inside the Human Body (jalapenoman)
List Thread 25-May-14 SP C08 L01 LB P88 -- Strongest Best Actor/ Actress Performance of the last 4 years (jamesh5)
List Thread 26-May-14 SP C08 L01 LB P64 -- Strongest DC female Superhero (babuandbabu)
List Thread 26-May-14 SP C05 L01 LB P64 -- Strongest DC female Supervillain (babuandbabu)
List Thread 26-May-14 SP C07 L01 nl P48 -- Fave Awkward offkey covers in a nonmusical? (TsarStepan)
List Thread 27-May-14 SP C08 L02 LB P124 -- Triple crown of Oscar nominations … (ElMaruecan82)
List Thread 27-May-14 SP C05 L03 LB P92 -- Mr Fix It (cocoken)
List Thread 27-May-14 SP C06 L01 LB P64 -- Shredded (babuandbabu)
List Thread 27-May-14 SP C06 L03 LB P92 -- Family Business (cocoken)
List Thread 27-May-14 SP C03 L02 LB P92 -- Love/Hate (cocoken)
List Thread 28-May-14 SP C08 L01 LB P92 -- Partners in Crime (cocoken)
List Thread 28-May-14 FF C02 L04 LB P48 -- FRIDAY FACEOFF: Have you joined their far-flung cult? (TsarStepan)
List Thread 29-May-14 FF C02 L01 LB P64 -- Friday face-Off : Zuse Vs. The Frenchman (babuandbabu)
List Thread 29-May-14 SP C03 L02 LB P124 -- Body frames of Golden Age fames … (ElMaruecan82)
List Thread 29-May-14 FF C02 L02 LB P01 -- Friday Face-Off: Princess Grace v. Princess Diana (Harbottle-64)
List Thread 29-May-14 FF C02 L03 LB P30 -- Friday Face-Off: Callaghan vs. Callahan (john-hitchcock)
List Thread 30-May-14 SP C05 L00 LB P165 -- Favorite member of the acting Masterson family? (yrnej)
List Thread 31-May-14 SP C05 L03 LB P92 -- Native Wisdom (cocoken)
List Thread 31-May-14 sc C07 L02 nl P16 -- Rocky Balboa's Best Opponent (Mega_wizard)
List Thread 31-May-14 sc C07 L03 nl New -- Last Surviving Actors From Classic Film (pilotridge101)
List Thread 01-Jun-14 sc C04 L01 LB P64 -- Best looking Cowboy (babuandbabu)
List Thread 01-Jun-14 sc C02 L01 LB P15 -- The Joker vs. Heath Ledger's Joker (ithais22)
List Thread 01-Jun-14 sc C06 L01 LB P64 -- Whom would you save from a noose (babuandbabu)
List Thread 01-Jun-14 sc C04 L01 LB P64 -- Most Beautiful Female Redhead X-Men Mutant (babuandbabu)
List Thread 01-Jun-14 sc C06 L02 LB P33 -- Actors who have won both Best Actor + Best Supporting Actor (sheetsadam1)
List Thread 02-Jun-14 FF C02 L01 LB P92 -- Friday face-off: Mike or Monty? (cocoken)
List Thread 02-Jun-14 FF C02 L02 LB P04 -- Friday Face-off: Trapped in a Car's Trunk (grumpycrawley)
List Thread 02-Jun-14 sc C02 L03 LB P24 -- Barry Fitzgerald, leading or supporting? (Pencho15)
List Thread 02-Jun-14 SP C07 L02 LB P48 -- Who rules this generation of musical satirists? (TsarStepan)
List Thread 02-Jun-14 FF C02 L01 LB P165 -- Friday Face-Off Suggestion: The View vs. The Talk (yrnej)
List Thread 02-Jun-14 sc C06 L03 LB P09 -- Help around the house Prime Time TV version - No Soaps/Devious Maids,etc (brien1951)
List Thread 02-Jun-14 SP C08 L01 LB P44 -- Ultimate Horror! (Ferry_Silitonga)
List Thread 02-Jun-14 SP C10 L00 LB P165 -- Your favorite of the best-selling soundtracks of all time? (yrnej)
List Thread 02-Jun-14 SP C06 L01 LB P165 -- Greatest Julie Andrews singing role? (yrnej)
List Thread 03-Jun-14 FF C02 L01 nl P06 -- Woody v Woody (otter68)
List Thread 03-Jun-14 sc C06 L01 nl P01 -- Favorite All in the Family Spin-off (archerboy58)
List Thread 04-Jun-14 SP C08 L03 LB P92 -- Dubbed! (cocoken)
List Thread 04-Jun-14 SP C05 L03 LB P92 -- Dubbed in Their Early Films (cocoken)
List Thread 04-Jun-14 sc C08 L00 LB P64 -- Which Male-Female Fight scene is your favorite? (babuandbabu)
List Thread 05-Jun-14 sc C06 L01 LB P16 -- The Hunger Games Series: Avengers (Mega_wizard)
List Thread 05-Jun-14 FF C02 L01 LB P64 -- Friday Face-Off : Green Lantern Vs. Sinestro (babuandbabu)
List Thread 05-Jun-14 FF C02 L01 LB P64 -- Friday Face-Off : T-X Vs. The Machine (babuandbabu)
List Thread 05-Jun-14 FF C02 L03 LB P124 -- Freeman as an inmate or Goodman as a bad guy? (ElMaruecan82)
List Thread 05-Jun-14 FF C02 L02 LB P37 -- Which is the best Dramedy Bromance? (BoltBait)
List Thread 06-Jun-14 sc C04 L00 LB P64 -- What color Lightsaber would you prefer? (babuandbabu)
List Thread 06-Jun-14 sc C04 L00 nl New -- Fonda vs Fonda (Feologild)
List Thread 06-Jun-14 SP C05 L01 LB P33 -- Cary Grant/Howard Hawks collaborations (sheetsadam1)
List Thread 07-Jun-14 SP C03 L02 LB P61 -- Speaking of the Concession Stand..... (jalapenoman)
List Thread 08-Jun-14 SP C09 L02 LB P61 -- Complaints you wouldn't answer from female superheroes (jalapenoman)
List Thread 08-Jun-14 FF C02 L01 LB P04 -- Van Damme vs. Seagal (The_Phantom_Projectionist)
List Thread 08-Jun-14 SP C02 L01 LB P61 -- When I hear someone say 'East Bound and Down,' I think of (jalapenoman)
List Thread 08-Jun-14 SP C07 L01 LB P64 -- Unstoppable! (babuandbabu)
List Thread 08-Jun-14 FF C02 L02 LB P124 -- Friday Face-Off : Kramer vs. Kramer ? (ElMaruecan82)
List Thread 08-Jun-14 FF C02 L02 LB P33 -- Friday Face-Off: George Lazenby vs. Timothy Dalton (sheetsadam1)
List Thread 08-Jun-14 SP C04 L01 LB P44 -- Indy! (Ferry_Silitonga)
List Thread 09-Jun-14 SP C02 L03 nl P165 -- Losing your senses! (yrnej)
List Thread 09-Jun-14 SP C09 L01 LB P37 -- Which villain, played by Gary Oldman, is best? (BoltBait)
List Thread 09-Jun-14 SP C06 L05 LB P44 -- Prefered Movie Runtime? (DEAD) (Ferry_Silitonga)
List Thread 10-Jun-14 sc C08 L00 LB P165 -- Favorite 2014 Tony winner? (yrnej)
List Thread 10-Jun-14 sc C07 L02 LB P04 -- Your Favorite Companion (grumpycrawley)
List Thread 10-Jun-14 sc C05 L01 LB P64 -- Most desperate for Love (babuandbabu)
List Thread 10-Jun-14 sc C05 L02 nl New -- What are your picks for top 5 Screenplays of 2013? (VailFilmFest)
List Thread 11-Jun-14 sc C08 L01 LB New -- Which is your favorite 'novelty' TV show? (ASpiralingRedDream)
List Thread 11-Jun-14 FF C02 L03 LB P44 -- Friday Face-Off: Kevin vs. Spacey (Ferry_Silitonga)
List Thread 11-Jun-14 sc C02 L02 LB P44 -- Friday Face-Off: Costner vs. Spacey (Ferry_Silitonga)
List Thread 12-Jun-14 sc C06 L02 nl P02 -- The greatest archers in film/television (Mondo)
List Thread 12-Jun-14 sc C02 L01 LB P64 -- Friday Face-Off : Hulk Vs. Dr. Manhattan (babuandbabu)
List Thread 12-Jun-14 FF C02 L01 LB P64 -- Friday Face-Off : 2 Weeks Vs. 3 Days (babuandbabu)
List Thread 12-Jun-14 sc C06 L00 nl New -- Most catchy superhero name (dark-usky241)
List Thread 13-Jun-14 sc C08 L01 LB P03 -- Which Character from the Method? (HardSteelMill)
List Thread 13-Jun-14 SP C03 L01 LB P33 -- Favorite Music-related film directed by Clint Eastwood (sheetsadam1)
List Thread 14-Jun-14 sc C03 L01 LB P64 -- Troll Face Origins (babuandbabu)
List Thread 16-Jun-14 sc C04 L01 nl New -- Burdened names (yorick-23)
List Thread 16-Jun-14 sc C08 L01 nl New -- Worst Scorsese character as a person (BrianRH7)
List Thread 16-Jun-14 FF C02 L01 LB P73 -- Football (cartman_1337)
List Thread 18-Jun-14 sc C06 L00 nl New -- The Next Tony Stark (tripolis29)
List Thread 20-Jun-14 SP C04 L02 LB P61 -- Favorite of the 'Young' Emma Actresses (jalapenoman)
List Thread 20-Jun-14 sc C08 L02 nl P03 -- Star Wars Expanded Universe Villian You Would Like..... (WriteDirect)
List Thread 21-Jun-14 sc C08 L01 LB New -- Best Universal Horror Character (taure-dawn)
List Thread 22-Jun-14 sc C03 L01 LB P64 -- Bloodiest Face (babuandbabu)
List Thread 23-Jun-14 sc C05 L02 LB P03 -- Percy Jackson Book Character That You Think/Want.... (WriteDirect)
List Thread 25-Jun-14 FF C02 L01 LB P61 -- Friday Face-Off: Favorite Classic Darrin Stephens (Bewitched) (jalapenoman)
List Thread 25-Jun-14 FF C02 L01 LB P61 -- Friday Face Off: Favorite Classic 60's Series W/Magical Woman (jalapenoman)
List Thread 27-Jun-14 sc C07 L01 nl New -- Best TV Show's Finale Song (lkorbanek)
List Thread 28-Jun-14 sc C08 L01 LB P64 -- Most Unreliable Character (babuandbabu)
List Thread 28-Jun-14 sc C02 L01 LB P64 -- They never shut up (babuandbabu)
List Thread 30-Jun-14 SP C07 L01 LB P165 -- How do you like your J-Lo? (yrnej)
List Thread 30-Jun-14 FF C02 L04 LB P07 -- Who's more attractive? Tom Cruise or Mel Gibson? (Cuish)
List Thread 02-Jul-14 sc C05 L02 LB P44 -- Sci-Fi Animal! (Ferry_Silitonga)
List Thread 02-Jul-14 SP C07 L03 LB P48 -- Worst TV Hospital? (TsarStepan)
List Thread 03-Jul-14 FF C02 L01 LB P64 -- Friday Face-Off : Weapon X Vs. Weapon XI (babuandbabu)
List Thread 03-Jul-14 sc C07 L01 nl New -- Most battle torn cities (MallCop114)
List Thread 03-Jul-14 sc C07 L01 LB P64 -- Goriest Saw Movie (babuandbabu)
List Thread 05-Jul-14 sc C03 L01 LB P64 -- Most Impressive Stealth Fighter (babuandbabu)
List Thread 06-Jul-14 sc C02 L00 nl New -- Scorsese's Best Collaboration Between an Actor (rjsf96)
List Thread 06-Jul-14 sc C05 L03 LB P44 -- Your Favorite Jennifer Lawrence? (Ferry_Silitonga)
List Thread 07-Jul-14 FF C02 L01 nl P06 -- Friday faceoff suggestion: historical fictoin (otter68)
List Thread 07-Jul-14 sc C03 L01 LB P12 -- Non Disney Princesses (sarizonana)
List Thread 09-Jul-14 FF C02 L01 LB P44 -- Friday Face-Off: Original or Adaptation (Ferry_Silitonga)
List Thread 10-Jul-14 FF C02 L03 LB P16 -- Friday Face-Off: Terminator 3 Vs. Terminator Salvation (Mega_wizard)
List Thread 10-Jul-14 FF C02 L01 LB New -- Michael Scofield VS Ray Breslin: Prison Breaks (wisdomaaron)
List Thread 10-Jul-14 FF C02 L02 LB P64 -- Friday Face-Off : Droids Vs. Cylons (babuandbabu)
List Thread 11-Jul-14 SP C10 L01 LB P48 -- Which 'Skin' freaked you out the most? (TsarStepan)
List Thread 12-Jul-14 sc C07 L01 LB P64 -- The last one of their kind (babuandbabu)
List Thread 13-Jul-14 sc C04 L01 LB P64 -- Favorite CSI TV Series (babuandbabu)
List Thread 14-Jul-14 sc C05 L01 nl P03 -- Movies That Shamefully Ripped Off Other Movies Without- (WriteDirect)
List Thread 14-Jul-14 sc C04 L01 LB P12 -- Best Nornan Reedus Character (The-Plague)
List Thread 15-Jul-14 sc C07 L00 LB P64 -- Whose performance as Batman was the Best? (babuandbabu)
List Thread 15-Jul-14 sc C05 L03 LB P04 -- Who should direct the 'Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' reboot? (MrX2848)
List Thread 16-Jul-14 sc C03 L03 LB P12 -- Best Fictional Punk Band from a Movie (The-Plague)
List Thread 16-Jul-14 FF C02 L03 LB P44 -- Friday Face-Off: Raymond Babbitt vs. Forrest Gump (Ferry_Silitonga)
List Thread 17-Jul-14 sc C08 L03 LB P165 -- Which TV actor deserves better writing? (yrnej)
List Thread 17-Jul-14 sc C00 L00 nl P02 -- Best TV Episode Directed by Movie Director (1990-present)? (teriekwilliams)
List Thread 17-Jul-14 sc C07 L03 LB P124 -- Who gave the best performance in 'Network'? (ElMaruecan82)
List Thread 17-Jul-14 sc C05 L03 LB P01 -- How often do you see movies in the theatre? (Jakestro)
List Thread 17-Jul-14 sc C02 L01 LB P173 -- Friday Face-off: Rise at Dawn (Rafael_M)
List Thread 18-Jul-14 sc C02 L02 LB P25 -- Friday Face Off : Christian Bale vs Leonardo DiCaprio (ahmad-zia)
List Thread 18-Jul-14 sc C03 L01 nl P25 -- Wolverine Vs Iron Man Vs Batman (ahmad-zia)
List Thread 18-Jul-14 sc C02 L00 nl New -- Bryan Cranston/Matthew McConaughey for Emmys (james_bulfinch)
List Thread 19-Jul-14 sc C06 L02 LB P165 -- Gimme my freakin' money! (yrnej)
List Thread 19-Jul-14 sc C08 L02 LB P25 -- Who had the best performance in reservoir dogs ? (ahmad-zia)
List Thread 19-Jul-14 sc C02 L02 LB New -- Frodo or Sam? (karmaarts)
List Thread 19-Jul-14 sc C03 L01 LB P15 -- Swamp Thing vs. Man-Thing vs. Groot (ithais22)
List Thread 20-Jul-14 SP C05 L01 LB P11 -- Revenge is a dish best served by Tarantino (rubyfruit76)
List Thread 21-Jul-14 sc C06 L02 nl P48 -- Ed, Edd, n Eddy (TsarStepan)
List Thread 21-Jul-14 sc C04 L01 LB New -- Best Hannibal Lecter (fpolitis)
List Thread 22-Jul-14 sc C02 L02 LB P88 -- 2014 Super-Hero Movies in Top 250 (jamesh5)
List Thread 22-Jul-14 sc C03 L02 LB New -- Which 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' character are you? (karmaarts)
List Thread 24-Jul-14 FF C02 L02 LB P44 -- Friday Face-Off: The Terminator vs. Agent Smith (Ferry_Silitonga)
List Thread 24-Jul-14 FF C02 L02 LB P25 -- Face Off : Michael Fassbender Vs James McAvoy (ahmad-zia)
List Thread 25-Jul-14 FF C02 L03 LB P02 -- Is 'Game of Thrones' Better Than 'Lord of the Rings'? (Mondo)
List Thread 25-Jul-14 FF C02 L01 LB P165 -- Friday Face-Off Suggestion: The classic Stand By Me question… (yrnej)
List Thread 28-Jul-14 SP C07 L02 nl P88 -- Movie Groups, 3 - 9 members (jamesh5)
List Thread 28-Jul-14 sc C02 L01 LB P06 -- Friday faceoff suggestion: two character actors (otter68)
List Thread 28-Jul-14 sc C05 L01 LB P64 -- Favorite Martial Art Weapon (babuandbabu)
List Thread 29-Jul-14 sc C05 L01 LB P64 -- Their Body is their Weapon! (babuandbabu)
List Thread 29-Jul-14 sc C06 L01 nl P02 -- Favourite Don of the Corleone family (danpev)
List Thread 29-Jul-14 SP C09 L01 LB P44 -- Poll Suggestion: Favorite 'Sherlock' Episode? (Ferry_Silitonga)
List Thread 29-Jul-14 FF C02 L01 LB P173 -- Friday Face-off: Sharknado vs The Second One (Rafael_M)
List Thread 30-Jul-14 sc C08 L01 LB P25 -- Best Film Of Christopher Nolan (ahmad-zia)
List Thread 30-Jul-14 SP C05 L02 LB P48 -- Kickstarter anyone? (TsarStepan)
List Thread 31-Jul-14 sc C08 L01 LB New -- Who's the most powerful 'Star Trek' super-being?... (Melange_Still_Races)
List Thread 31-Jul-14 sc C05 L00 LB New -- Fastest TV Western gunslinger?... (Melange_Still_Races)
List Thread 31-Jul-14 sc C04 L02 LB P124 -- Which actor best defines 'Napoleon Complex'? (ElMaruecan82)
List Thread 31-Jul-14 sc C05 L00 nl New -- Detectives! (rashad-himel)
List Thread 01-Aug-14 sc C08 L01 LB P165 -- Your parents are out of town… (yrnej)
List Thread 04-Aug-14 sc C08 L01 LB P165 -- Favorite quote from a rock star in a movie? (yrnej)
List Thread 04-Aug-14 sc C03 L01 LB New -- Characters who would be quickly murdered if they… (Melange_Still_Races)
List Thread 05-Aug-14 sc C03 L02 LB P73 -- King Darabont (cartman_1337)
List Thread 05-Aug-14 sc C02 L02 LB P12 -- Flannel Royale (The-Plague)
List Thread 05-Aug-14 sc C08 L01 nl New -- Suggestion Planet of the Apes Movies (finlayjamieson101)
List Thread 06-Aug-14 sc C02 L01 LB P25 -- Mila Kunis Vs Natalie Portman (ahmad-zia)
List Thread 06-Aug-14 sc C03 L02 nl New -- Most formidable movie super villain in a series (someonesmart21)
List Thread 07-Aug-14 FF C02 L05 LB P44 -- Gandalf vs. The Joker (Ferry_Silitonga)
List Thread 07-Aug-14 sc C02 L02 LB P25 -- Friday Face-Off : John Williams Vs Hans Zimmer (ahmad-zia)
List Thread 07-Aug-14 sc C04 L02 LB P173 -- Donatello vs. Michelangelo vs. Leonardo vs. Raphael (Rafael_M)
List Thread 07-Aug-14 sc C02 L01 LB P64 -- Friday Face-Off : 300 Vs. 300: Rise of an Empire (babuandbabu)
List Thread 08-Aug-14 FF C02 L01 nl New -- Who do you prefer Paul Walker or Vin Diesel ? (alexpeychev)
List Thread 09-Aug-14 SP C03 L05 LB P01 -- Best Supporting Actress Oscar Nominations of Dame Gladys Cooper (Harbottle-64)
List Thread 09-Aug-14 sc C04 L02 nl New -- The Strangest Actor Known for Playing Strange Roles (voaidesciprian95)
List Thread 09-Aug-14 FF C02 L03 nl New -- Friday Face-Off: Who Played Dumbledore Better? (RbDeraj)
List Thread 09-Aug-14 sc C02 L03 nl New -- Friday Face-Off: Who Played Rachel Dawes Better? (RbDeraj)
List Thread 09-Aug-14 sc C02 L03 nl New -- Friday Face-Off: Who Played Rhodey Better? (RbDeraj)
List Thread 10-Aug-14 sc C05 L01 LB P12 -- Your Type of men (sarizonana)
List Thread 11-Aug-14 FF C02 L03 LB P12 -- Friday Face-Off: The Illusionist vs. The Prestige (The-Plague)
List Thread 12-Aug-14 sc C00 L00 nl New -- Robin Williams Best preformance (zperry-20)
List Thread 12-Aug-14 sc C04 L02 LB P25 -- Oscar Nominated Performances Of Robin Williams (ahmad-zia)
List Thread 13-Aug-14 sc C07 L01 LB P09 -- Best Animated Tv-Series: Comedy (dadolo1987)
List Thread 14-Aug-14 sc C08 L02 nl New -- most difficult Consultant to handle (iamakshay)
List Thread 15-Aug-14 sc C08 L03 LB P165 -- Greatest classic epic filmmaker? (yrnej)
List Thread 15-Aug-14 FF C02 L01 LB P02 -- Poll suggestion: Face-Off: The Crane sisters (danpev)
List Thread 16-Aug-14 sc C06 L00 LB P165 -- Best way to ensure you get the Oscar nomination? (yrnej)
List Thread 17-Aug-14 sc C07 L01 nl P01 -- Which god/gods would you follow if you in Westeros? (jgidz)
List Thread 17-Aug-14 FF C02 L01 LB P06 -- Friday faceoff suggestion: won't you be my neighbor (otter68)
List Thread 18-Aug-14 SP C03 L02 LB P61 -- If the 2012 Election were held today, I'd vote… (jalapenoman)
List Thread 20-Aug-14 sc C07 L02 LB New -- Richard Burton performance most deserving of an Oscar? (Maddyclassicfilms)
List Thread 21-Aug-14 FF C02 L02 LB P25 -- Friday Face-Off : Quentin Tarentino Vs Martin Scorsese (ahmad-zia)
List Thread 21-Aug-14 sc C06 L02 LB P61 -- Favorite Disney Film Set At Medfield College (jalapenoman)
List Thread 23-Aug-14 sc C06 L02 LB P12 -- best sex scene (plot Wise) (sarizonana)
List Thread 25-Aug-14 sc C07 L00 nl New -- Who Would You Like to see Return to The Mentalist (ib2000-875-299052)
List Thread 25-Aug-14 sc C08 L03 LB P02 -- Titans of Terror Tournament (albstein)
List Thread 25-Aug-14 SP C05 L01 LB P61 -- When I hear the name 'Richard Burton,' I think of… (jalapenoman)
List Thread 25-Aug-14 sc C00 L00 nl New -- What is the Greatest Pixar Film to Date? (rsj624)
List Thread 26-Aug-14 SP C04 L02 LB P165 -- If I only had… (yrnej)
List Thread 27-Aug-14 sc C02 L02 LB P61 -- Friday Face-Off: Which one did their Mom really like best? (jalapenoman)
List Thread 28-Aug-14 FF C02 L02 LB P25 -- Friday Face-Off : Anthony Hopkins Vs Daniel Day-Lewis (ahmad-zia)
List Thread 28-Aug-14 sc C02 L01 LB P16 -- Friday Face-Off: Original Vs. Sequel (Mega_wizard)
List Thread 28-Aug-14 sc C06 L00 LB P37 -- Who is the best Game Show Announcer? (BoltBait)
List Thread 28-Aug-14 FF C02 L02 nl New -- Friday Faceoff, Freaky Friday original or remake? (novastar_6)
List Thread 28-Aug-14 FF C02 L05 LB P11 -- Friday Face-Off: Jon Stewart Progeny v. Progeny (rubyfruit76)
List Thread 29-Aug-14 sc C02 L03 LB New -- Friday Face-Off: Which Ending Did You Choose to Believe? (RbDeraj)
List Thread 29-Aug-14 SP C09 L02 nl P88 -- I'll Take a Glass of Milk (jamesh5)
List Thread 30-Aug-14 FF C02 L00 LB New -- Face-Off : Daniel Day-Lewis Vs Tom Hanks (Youssef08)
List Thread 30-Aug-14 FF C02 L02 nl New -- Friday Faceoff, Freaky Friday original vs. remake (novastar_6)
List Thread 30-Aug-14 sc C07 L01 LB P165 -- Legendary Lif-perz (yrnej)
List Thread 31-Aug-14 sc C01 L02 LB P25 -- IMDb Poll Board Favourite Actors (ahmad-zia)
List Thread 31-Aug-14 sc C08 L01 LB P165 -- Movie names that have become part of everyday speech? (yrnej)
List Thread 31-Aug-14 FF C02 L02 LB P12 -- Friday Face off Ralph vs Joseph Fiennes (sarizonana)
List Thread 01-Sep-14 sc C08 L02 LB P92 -- Mr + Mrs Pitt (cocoken)
List Thread 01-Sep-14 sc C05 L02 LB New -- Best Child Actor Performance in a Steven Spielberg Film (RbDeraj)
List Thread 01-Sep-14 FF C02 L03 LB P124 -- Friday Face-Off: Hannibal + Buffalo Bill vs. Percy + Wild Bill… (ElMaruecan82)
List Thread 01-Sep-14 sc C07 L02 LB P61 -- For which role should Richard Burton have won the Oscar? (jalapenoman)
List Thread 02-Sep-14 sc C07 L00 LB P64 -- IMDB Poll Board Favorite Actresses (babuandbabu)
List Thread 03-Sep-14 sc C07 L01 LB P25 -- Quentin Tarantino Lead (ahmad-zia)
List Thread 03-Sep-14 FF C02 L02 LB P173 -- Friday Face-off: Favorite Heavenly Creatures Rose (Rafael_M)
List Thread 04-Sep-14 sc C07 L01 nl New -- Best Selvaraghavan film (subaroopan)
List Thread 04-Sep-14 FF C02 L01 LB P25 -- Friday Face-Off : Hit-Girl Vs Black Widow (ahmad-zia)
List Thread 04-Sep-14 FF C02 L03 LB P25 -- Friday Face-Off : Tyler Durden Vs Joker (ahmad-zia)
List Thread 04-Sep-14 FF C02 L02 LB P44 -- Friday Face-Off: A Walk to Remember or The Fault in Our Stars (Ferry_Silitonga)
List Thread 05-Sep-14 sc C05 L00 LB P06 -- What Kind Of Horror Movies Scare You The Most ? (vibhorpanda29)
List Thread 06-Sep-14 sc C02 L02 LB P09 -- Friday Face-off: Eastwood most famous Western Characters TV verses Movie (brien1951)
List Thread 07-Sep-14 sc C04 L02 LB P92 -- They Met at........ a Funeral! (cocoken)
List Thread 07-Sep-14 sc C06 L01 LB P25 -- Greatest Film Directed By Darren Aronofsky (ahmad-zia)
List Thread 08-Sep-14 FF C02 L01 LB P06 -- Friday Faceoff suggestions (otter68)
List Thread 08-Sep-14 FF C02 L01 nl New -- Which Ryan Reynold's girl is sexier? (cristi006)
List Thread 08-Sep-14 FF C02 L02 LB P173 -- Tom Hanks Friday Face-Off: Saving Private Ryan vs. Saving Mr. Banks (Rafael_M)
List Thread 09-Sep-14 sc C05 L03 LB New -- Which Amazon Pilot Do You Want Made Into A Series? (air-man77)
List Thread 09-Sep-14 FF C02 L01 LB P173 -- Friday Face-Off: Robocop vs. Judge Dredd (Rafael_M)
List Thread 09-Sep-14 FF C02 L04 LB P12 -- Friday Face-Off: American History X Vs. The Believer (The-Plague)
List Thread 11-Sep-14 sc C06 L02 LB P165 -- Favorite DeVito/Douglas collaboration? (yrnej)
List Thread 11-Sep-14 sc C03 L01 LB P03 -- Most favourite film of Sergio Leone's 'Dollar Trilogy' (Dibyayan_Chakravorty)
List Thread 11-Sep-14 FF C02 L01 LB P25 -- Friday Face-Off : Hobbit 1 Vs Hobbit 2 (ahmad-zia)
List Thread 11-Sep-14 FF C02 L01 LB P25 -- Friday Face-Off : James Franco Vs Jesse Eisenberg (ahmad-zia)
List Thread 11-Sep-14 FF C02 L02 LB P25 -- Friday Face-Off : Indiana Jones Vs James Bond (ahmad-zia)
List Thread 11-Sep-14 FF C02 L01 LB P64 -- Friday Face-Off : Brian Taylor Vs. Detective Loki (babuandbabu)
List Thread 11-Sep-14 FF C02 L04 LB P49 -- Friday Face-Off: Stephen Hawking vs. Alan Turing (dan_dassow)
List Thread 11-Sep-14 sc C05 L01 LB P64 -- Movies About Movies (babuandbabu)
List Thread 11-Sep-14 FF C02 L01 LB P01 -- Favorite Super Hero (maxgreenblatt)
List Thread 11-Sep-14 FF C02 L01 LB P03 -- Friday Face Off : Yojimbo vs For a Fistful of Dollars (Dibyayan_Chakravorty)
List Thread 11-Sep-14 FF C02 L01 LB P03 -- Friday Face Off : Mozart vs Beethoven (Dibyayan_Chakravorty)