Saturday, January 31, 2015
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Polls by jamesh5
Chronological Order
0257 0001 Poll ------ Board Who is the most attractive Tarantino lady?
0280 0002 Poll ------ Board Coolest looking (post 2000) 'super' villains!
0287 0003 Poll ------ Board What's with the patch?
0317 0004 Poll ------ Board The best acting dwarf
0329 0005 Poll ------ Board The best director/actor collaborations
0339 0006 Poll Seen Board Man's Best Friend
0351 0007 Poll Seen Board Current Comedy Actors' Funniest Role?
0355 0008 Poll ------ Board Most Sinister Pixar Villain
0362 0009 Poll Seen Board Movie adaptations the author disliked
0377 0010 Poll Seen Board The Box Office 2013
0383 0011 Poll ------ Board Highest grossing movie-stars - where it all began
0412 0012 Poll ------ Board Pulp Fiction - A busy few days!
0424 0013 Poll Seen Board Films their stars disliked
0438 0014 Poll ------ Board I think I just saw... me!
0442 0015 Poll ------ Board Most Inspirational Disney Princess
0449 0016 Poll Seen Board We've hit one million votes!
0459 0017 Poll ------ Board Which Globe winner do you think is the most likely for an Oscar?
0505 0018 Poll ------ Board Your favourite mischievous (animated) film duo
0512 0019 Poll ------ Board Favourite secondary toy in Toy Story
0516 0020 Poll Seen Board Favourite set in prison TV show
0529 0021 Poll Seen Board What's your favourite city?
0554 0022 Poll ------ Board Your favourite mischievous (live action) film duo
0557 0023 Poll ------ Board Where in Middle Earth would you want to live?
0568 0024 Poll Seen Board Greatest Movie Battle Scene?
0577 0025 Poll ------ Board The least likely superhero?
0596 0026 Poll Seen Board What are you doing?
0610 0027 Poll ------ Board Movie wo/man in a mask
0649 0028 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: King Leonidas Vs Maximus Decimus Meridius
0674 0029 Poll ------ Board The best male performance as a homosexual character
0690 0030 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1928 - 1939
0691 0031 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1940 - 1949
0692 0032 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1950 - 1959
0693 0033 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1960 - 1969
0694 0034 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1970 - 1979
0695 0035 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1980 - 1989
0696 0036 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1990 - 1999
0702 0037 Poll ------ Board Most Deserving Oscar Winning Quartet
0715 0038 Poll ------ Board Colourful Characters
0717 0039 Poll ------ Board Friday-Face Off: Which do you prefer TV Programmes or Movies?
0719 0040 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: Colonel Hans Landa Vs Dr. King Schultz
0739 0041 Poll Seen Board Good brother, Bad brother movie combinations
0742 0042 Poll Seen Board If these titles were about superheroes I'd watch…
0759 0043 Poll Seen Board Which film with a number digit in the title is do you like best?
0776 0044 Poll ------ Board Instantly Recognisable Voices
0796 0045 Poll Seen Board Best fake movie band?
0825 0046 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: Batman Vs The Joker
0826 0047 Poll ------ Board Movie Villains Played by Brits
0833 0048 Poll Seen Board Miyazaki The Great
0834 0049 Poll ------ Board Alliterative movie characters
0835 0050 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" - 1929 - 2009
0864 0051 Poll ------ Board Which fitness fanatic could inspire you…
0886 0052 Poll Seen Board Rejected movie titles of popular films
0891 0053 Poll ------ Board Choose your bunny!
0916 0054 Poll ------ Board Which Avengers Character Do You Want on Your Side?
0926 0055 Poll ------ Board Alliterative TV Characters
0931 0056 Poll ------ Board Forbes Fictional 15's
0935 0057 Poll ------ Board Which fictional creature do you most wish was real?
0940 0058 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: Sci-Fi Vs Fantasy
0952 0059 Poll ------ Board Hit-Men Pairings
1001 0060 Poll Seen Board It Happened One... Day
1043 0061 Poll ------ Board What is your favourite aspect of your favourite film?
1055 0062 Poll ------ Board Johnny Depp's strangest character?
1065 0063 Poll ------ Board The Joker (Character) Vs The Dark Knight (Film)
1078 0064 Poll ------ Board I'm an inventor!
1133 0065 Poll ------ Board 10 CGI Creations in Popular Live Action Films
1159 0066 Poll ------ Board Your Favourite Member of the Fellowship of the Ring?
1212 0067 Poll ------ Board The most impressive quiff?
1221 0068 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: Barney Stinson Vs. Howard Wolowitz
1230 0069 Poll ------ Board Looking Down the Barrel of Their Guns!
1234 0070 Poll ------ Board Animated Fathers!
1268 0071 Poll ------ Board Classic Clothing - Movie Heroes!
1415 0072 Poll ------ Board Frost and Pegg in the Cornetto Trilogy
1418 0073 Poll ------ Board Which Movie Villain's Views/Aims…
1424 0074 Poll ------ Board Your favourite Orange Is the New Black character?
1458 0075 Poll ------ Board Gender Swap! Classic male characters to be played by a woman?
1479 0076 Poll ------ Board Which movie trio would you like to join?
1491 0077 Poll Seen Board 20 Live Action Films with At Least One Animated Sequence
1496 0078 Poll ------ Board Top 10 Highest Paid Actors of 2014
1541 0079 Poll ------ Board If you had a time machine would you travel to the past or to the future?
1564 0080 Poll ------ Board Keep Calm and Take this Poll!
1581 0081 Poll Seen Board Which film would you most like to see in the Top 250?
1584 0082 Poll ------ Board Bad Movie Cops!
1586 0083 Poll ------ Board Your favourite Sin City character?
1590 0084 Poll ------ Board Your favourite Coen Brothers character?
1601 0085 Poll ------ Board Classic Clothing - Movie Villains!
1614 0086 Poll ------ Board The Shapeshifters
1619 0087 Poll ------ Board Aye Aye, Captain!
1627 0088 Poll ------ Board Your favourite Looney-Tune?
1654 0089 Poll ------ Board Misfits: What power would you want?
1685 0090 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: Jaws vs Jaws
1691 0091 Poll ------ Board I'll Take a Glass of Milk!
1712 0092 Poll Seen Board Favourite Summer 2014 Blockbuster?
1721 0093 Poll ------ Board The Greatest Hero/Villain Rivalries
1734 0094 Poll ------ Board Movie characters that are really bad at what they do!
1754 0095 Poll ------ Board Troubled Teens
1759 0096 Poll ------ Board The Narrators
1777 0097 Poll ------ Board Small Stars of the Big Screen!
1814 0098 Poll ------ Board Female Title Characters, Part 1
1819 0099 Poll ------ Board Female Title Characters, Part 2
1826 0100 Poll ------ Board Similarities between Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings
1830 0101 Poll Seen Board The Best Tagline of IMDb's Top 25 Movies?
1876 0102 Poll ------ Board Lord of the Rings Villains vs Star Wars Villains
1880 0103 Poll ------ Board Alter Ego's and A.K.A's
1901 0104 Poll ------ Board What would you dress as for Halloween?
1926 0105 Poll ------ Board 25 Delightfully Hammy Performances
1953 0106 Poll ------ Board The Greatest Mentor/ Student Relationship
1961 0107 Poll ------ Board Iconic Objects of Sci-Fi and Fantasy
2027 0108 Poll ------ Board Coolest looking (post 2000) 'super' hero!
2048 0109 Poll Seen Board Friday Face-Off: 2001: A Space Odyssey vs Interstellar
2079 0110 Poll Seen Board Friday Face-Off: Best Pictures vs IMDb No.1's (since 2000)
2084 0111 Poll Seen Board IMDb Poll Board's Favourite Film Rated 6.0 or Lower
2111 0112 Poll ------ Board Pitt, Cruise, DiCaprio and Depp, what should they have won the Oscar for?
2141 0113 Poll ------ Board Your favourite character is a...?
2170 0114 Poll Seen Board The Box Office 2014
2182 0115 Poll ------ Board The Best Movie Villains of 2014
2201 0116 Poll ------ Board What's your favourite sport?
2255 0117 Poll ------ Board Which Golden Globe winner do you think is the most likely for an Oscar?
Alphabetical Order
1133 0065 Poll ------ Board 10 CGI Creations in Popular Live Action Films
1491 0077 Poll Seen Board 20 Live Action Films with At Least One Animated Sequence
1926 0105 Poll ------ Board 25 Delightfully Hammy Performances
0834 0049 Poll ------ Board Alliterative movie characters
0926 0055 Poll ------ Board Alliterative TV Characters
1880 0103 Poll ------ Board Alter Ego's and A.K.A's
1234 0070 Poll ------ Board Animated Fathers!
1619 0087 Poll ------ Board Aye Aye, Captain!
1584 0082 Poll ------ Board Bad Movie Cops!
0835 0050 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" - 1929 - 2009
0690 0030 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1928 - 1939
0691 0031 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1940 - 1949
0692 0032 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1950 - 1959
0693 0033 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1960 - 1969
0694 0034 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1970 - 1979
0695 0035 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1980 - 1989
0696 0036 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1990 - 1999
0796 0045 Poll Seen Board Best fake movie band?
0891 0053 Poll ------ Board Choose your bunny!
1268 0071 Poll ------ Board Classic Clothing - Movie Heroes!
1601 0085 Poll ------ Board Classic Clothing - Movie Villains!
0715 0038 Poll ------ Board Colourful Characters
2027 0108 Poll ------ Board Coolest looking (post 2000) 'super' hero!
0280 0002 Poll ------ Board Coolest looking (post 2000) 'super' villains!
0351 0007 Poll Seen Board Current Comedy Actors' Funniest Role?
0512 0019 Poll ------ Board Favourite secondary toy in Toy Story
0516 0020 Poll Seen Board Favourite set in prison TV show
1712 0092 Poll Seen Board Favourite Summer 2014 Blockbuster?
1814 0098 Poll ------ Board Female Title Characters, Part 1
1819 0099 Poll ------ Board Female Title Characters, Part 2
0424 0013 Poll Seen Board Films their stars disliked
0931 0056 Poll ------ Board Forbes Fictional 15's
2048 0109 Poll Seen Board Friday Face-Off: 2001: A Space Odyssey vs Interstellar
1221 0068 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: Barney Stinson Vs. Howard Wolowitz
0825 0046 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: Batman Vs The Joker
2079 0110 Poll Seen Board Friday Face-Off: Best Pictures vs IMDb No.1's (since 2000)
0719 0040 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: Colonel Hans Landa Vs Dr. King Schultz
1685 0090 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: Jaws vs Jaws
0649 0028 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: King Leonidas Vs Maximus Decimus Meridius
0940 0058 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: Sci-Fi Vs Fantasy
0717 0039 Poll ------ Board Friday-Face Off: Which do you prefer TV Programmes or Movies?
1415 0072 Poll ------ Board Frost and Pegg in the Cornetto Trilogy
1458 0075 Poll ------ Board Gender Swap! Classic male characters to be played by a woman?
0739 0041 Poll Seen Board Good brother, Bad brother movie combinations
0568 0024 Poll Seen Board Greatest Movie Battle Scene?
0383 0011 Poll ------ Board Highest grossing movie-stars - where it all began
0952 0059 Poll ------ Board Hit-Men Pairings
0438 0014 Poll ------ Board I think I just saw... me!
1961 0107 Poll ------ Board Iconic Objects of Sci-Fi and Fantasy
0742 0042 Poll Seen Board If these titles were about superheroes I'd watch…
1541 0079 Poll ------ Board If you had a time machine would you travel to the past or to the future?
1691 0091 Poll ------ Board I'll Take a Glass of Milk!
1078 0064 Poll ------ Board I'm an inventor!
2084 0111 Poll Seen Board IMDb Poll Board's Favourite Film Rated 6.0 or Lower
0776 0044 Poll ------ Board Instantly Recognisable Voices
1001 0060 Poll Seen Board It Happened One... Day
1055 0062 Poll ------ Board Johnny Depp's strangest character?
1564 0080 Poll ------ Board Keep Calm and Take this Poll!
1230 0069 Poll ------ Board Looking Down the Barrel of Their Guns!
1876 0102 Poll ------ Board Lord of the Rings Villains vs Star Wars Villains
0339 0006 Poll Seen Board Man's Best Friend
1654 0089 Poll ------ Board Misfits: What power would you want?
0833 0048 Poll Seen Board Miyazaki The Great
0702 0037 Poll ------ Board Most Deserving Oscar Winning Quartet
0442 0015 Poll ------ Board Most Inspirational Disney Princess
0355 0008 Poll ------ Board Most Sinister Pixar Villain
0362 0009 Poll Seen Board Movie adaptations the author disliked
1734 0094 Poll ------ Board Movie characters that are really bad at what they do!
0826 0047 Poll ------ Board Movie Villains Played by Brits
0610 0027 Poll ------ Board Movie wo/man in a mask
2111 0112 Poll ------ Board Pitt, Cruise, DiCaprio and Depp, what should they have won the Oscar for?
0412 0012 Poll ------ Board Pulp Fiction - A busy few days!
0886 0052 Poll Seen Board Rejected movie titles of popular films
1826 0100 Poll ------ Board Similarities between Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings
1777 0097 Poll ------ Board Small Stars of the Big Screen!
0317 0004 Poll ------ Board The best acting dwarf
0329 0005 Poll ------ Board The best director/actor collaborations
0674 0029 Poll ------ Board The best male performance as a homosexual character
2182 0115 Poll ------ Board The Best Movie Villains of 2014
1830 0101 Poll Seen Board The Best Tagline of IMDb's Top 25 Movies?
0377 0010 Poll Seen Board The Box Office 2013
2170 0114 Poll Seen Board The Box Office 2014
1721 0093 Poll ------ Board The Greatest Hero/Villain Rivalries
1953 0106 Poll ------ Board The Greatest Mentor/ Student Relationship
1065 0063 Poll ------ Board The Joker (Character) Vs The Dark Knight (Film)
0577 0025 Poll ------ Board The least likely superhero?
1212 0067 Poll ------ Board The most impressive quiff?
1759 0096 Poll ------ Board The Narrators
1614 0086 Poll ------ Board The Shapeshifters
1496 0078 Poll ------ Board Top 10 Highest Paid Actors of 2014
1754 0095 Poll ------ Board Troubled Teens
0449 0016 Poll Seen Board We've hit one million votes!
0596 0026 Poll Seen Board What are you doing?
1043 0061 Poll ------ Board What is your favourite aspect of your favourite film?
1901 0104 Poll ------ Board What would you dress as for Halloween?
0287 0003 Poll ------ Board What's with the patch?
0529 0021 Poll Seen Board What's your favourite city?
2201 0116 Poll ------ Board What's your favourite sport?
0557 0023 Poll ------ Board Where in Middle Earth would you want to live?
0916 0054 Poll ------ Board Which Avengers Character Do You Want on Your Side?
0935 0057 Poll ------ Board Which fictional creature do you most wish was real?
0759 0043 Poll Seen Board Which film with a number digit in the title is do you like best?
1581 0081 Poll Seen Board Which film would you most like to see in the Top 250?
0864 0051 Poll ------ Board Which fitness fanatic could inspire you…
0459 0017 Poll ------ Board Which Globe winner do you think is the most likely for an Oscar?
2255 0117 Poll ------ Board Which Golden Globe winner do you think is the most likely for an Oscar?
1479 0076 Poll ------ Board Which movie trio would you like to join?
1418 0073 Poll ------ Board Which Movie Villain's Views/Aims…
0257 0001 Poll ------ Board Who is the most attractive Tarantino lady?
2141 0113 Poll ------ Board Your favourite character is a...?
1590 0084 Poll ------ Board Your favourite Coen Brothers character?
1627 0088 Poll ------ Board Your favourite Looney-Tune?
1159 0066 Poll ------ Board Your Favourite Member of the Fellowship of the Ring?
0505 0018 Poll ------ Board Your favourite mischievous (animated) film duo
0554 0022 Poll ------ Board Your favourite mischievous (live action) film duo
1424 0074 Poll ------ Board Your favourite Orange Is the New Black character?
1586 0083 Poll ------ Board Your favourite Sin City character?
0257 0001 Poll ------ Board Who is the most attractive Tarantino lady?
0280 0002 Poll ------ Board Coolest looking (post 2000) 'super' villains!
0287 0003 Poll ------ Board What's with the patch?
0317 0004 Poll ------ Board The best acting dwarf
0329 0005 Poll ------ Board The best director/actor collaborations
0339 0006 Poll Seen Board Man's Best Friend
0351 0007 Poll Seen Board Current Comedy Actors' Funniest Role?
0355 0008 Poll ------ Board Most Sinister Pixar Villain
0362 0009 Poll Seen Board Movie adaptations the author disliked
0377 0010 Poll Seen Board The Box Office 2013
0383 0011 Poll ------ Board Highest grossing movie-stars - where it all began
0412 0012 Poll ------ Board Pulp Fiction - A busy few days!
0424 0013 Poll Seen Board Films their stars disliked
0438 0014 Poll ------ Board I think I just saw... me!
0442 0015 Poll ------ Board Most Inspirational Disney Princess
0449 0016 Poll Seen Board We've hit one million votes!
0459 0017 Poll ------ Board Which Globe winner do you think is the most likely for an Oscar?
0505 0018 Poll ------ Board Your favourite mischievous (animated) film duo
0512 0019 Poll ------ Board Favourite secondary toy in Toy Story
0516 0020 Poll Seen Board Favourite set in prison TV show
0529 0021 Poll Seen Board What's your favourite city?
0554 0022 Poll ------ Board Your favourite mischievous (live action) film duo
0557 0023 Poll ------ Board Where in Middle Earth would you want to live?
0568 0024 Poll Seen Board Greatest Movie Battle Scene?
0577 0025 Poll ------ Board The least likely superhero?
0596 0026 Poll Seen Board What are you doing?
0610 0027 Poll ------ Board Movie wo/man in a mask
0649 0028 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: King Leonidas Vs Maximus Decimus Meridius
0674 0029 Poll ------ Board The best male performance as a homosexual character
0690 0030 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1928 - 1939
0691 0031 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1940 - 1949
0692 0032 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1950 - 1959
0693 0033 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1960 - 1969
0694 0034 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1970 - 1979
0695 0035 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1980 - 1989
0696 0036 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1990 - 1999
0702 0037 Poll ------ Board Most Deserving Oscar Winning Quartet
0715 0038 Poll ------ Board Colourful Characters
0717 0039 Poll ------ Board Friday-Face Off: Which do you prefer TV Programmes or Movies?
0719 0040 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: Colonel Hans Landa Vs Dr. King Schultz
0739 0041 Poll Seen Board Good brother, Bad brother movie combinations
0742 0042 Poll Seen Board If these titles were about superheroes I'd watch…
0759 0043 Poll Seen Board Which film with a number digit in the title is do you like best?
0776 0044 Poll ------ Board Instantly Recognisable Voices
0796 0045 Poll Seen Board Best fake movie band?
0825 0046 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: Batman Vs The Joker
0826 0047 Poll ------ Board Movie Villains Played by Brits
0833 0048 Poll Seen Board Miyazaki The Great
0834 0049 Poll ------ Board Alliterative movie characters
0835 0050 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" - 1929 - 2009
0864 0051 Poll ------ Board Which fitness fanatic could inspire you…
0886 0052 Poll Seen Board Rejected movie titles of popular films
0891 0053 Poll ------ Board Choose your bunny!
0916 0054 Poll ------ Board Which Avengers Character Do You Want on Your Side?
0926 0055 Poll ------ Board Alliterative TV Characters
0931 0056 Poll ------ Board Forbes Fictional 15's
0935 0057 Poll ------ Board Which fictional creature do you most wish was real?
0940 0058 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: Sci-Fi Vs Fantasy
0952 0059 Poll ------ Board Hit-Men Pairings
1001 0060 Poll Seen Board It Happened One... Day
1043 0061 Poll ------ Board What is your favourite aspect of your favourite film?
1055 0062 Poll ------ Board Johnny Depp's strangest character?
1065 0063 Poll ------ Board The Joker (Character) Vs The Dark Knight (Film)
1078 0064 Poll ------ Board I'm an inventor!
1133 0065 Poll ------ Board 10 CGI Creations in Popular Live Action Films
1159 0066 Poll ------ Board Your Favourite Member of the Fellowship of the Ring?
1212 0067 Poll ------ Board The most impressive quiff?
1221 0068 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: Barney Stinson Vs. Howard Wolowitz
1230 0069 Poll ------ Board Looking Down the Barrel of Their Guns!
1234 0070 Poll ------ Board Animated Fathers!
1268 0071 Poll ------ Board Classic Clothing - Movie Heroes!
1415 0072 Poll ------ Board Frost and Pegg in the Cornetto Trilogy
1418 0073 Poll ------ Board Which Movie Villain's Views/Aims…
1424 0074 Poll ------ Board Your favourite Orange Is the New Black character?
1458 0075 Poll ------ Board Gender Swap! Classic male characters to be played by a woman?
1479 0076 Poll ------ Board Which movie trio would you like to join?
1491 0077 Poll Seen Board 20 Live Action Films with At Least One Animated Sequence
1496 0078 Poll ------ Board Top 10 Highest Paid Actors of 2014
1541 0079 Poll ------ Board If you had a time machine would you travel to the past or to the future?
1564 0080 Poll ------ Board Keep Calm and Take this Poll!
1581 0081 Poll Seen Board Which film would you most like to see in the Top 250?
1584 0082 Poll ------ Board Bad Movie Cops!
1586 0083 Poll ------ Board Your favourite Sin City character?
1590 0084 Poll ------ Board Your favourite Coen Brothers character?
1601 0085 Poll ------ Board Classic Clothing - Movie Villains!
1614 0086 Poll ------ Board The Shapeshifters
1619 0087 Poll ------ Board Aye Aye, Captain!
1627 0088 Poll ------ Board Your favourite Looney-Tune?
1654 0089 Poll ------ Board Misfits: What power would you want?
1685 0090 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: Jaws vs Jaws
1691 0091 Poll ------ Board I'll Take a Glass of Milk!
1712 0092 Poll Seen Board Favourite Summer 2014 Blockbuster?
1721 0093 Poll ------ Board The Greatest Hero/Villain Rivalries
1734 0094 Poll ------ Board Movie characters that are really bad at what they do!
1754 0095 Poll ------ Board Troubled Teens
1759 0096 Poll ------ Board The Narrators
1777 0097 Poll ------ Board Small Stars of the Big Screen!
1814 0098 Poll ------ Board Female Title Characters, Part 1
1819 0099 Poll ------ Board Female Title Characters, Part 2
1826 0100 Poll ------ Board Similarities between Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings
1830 0101 Poll Seen Board The Best Tagline of IMDb's Top 25 Movies?
1876 0102 Poll ------ Board Lord of the Rings Villains vs Star Wars Villains
1880 0103 Poll ------ Board Alter Ego's and A.K.A's
1901 0104 Poll ------ Board What would you dress as for Halloween?
1926 0105 Poll ------ Board 25 Delightfully Hammy Performances
1953 0106 Poll ------ Board The Greatest Mentor/ Student Relationship
1961 0107 Poll ------ Board Iconic Objects of Sci-Fi and Fantasy
2027 0108 Poll ------ Board Coolest looking (post 2000) 'super' hero!
2048 0109 Poll Seen Board Friday Face-Off: 2001: A Space Odyssey vs Interstellar
2079 0110 Poll Seen Board Friday Face-Off: Best Pictures vs IMDb No.1's (since 2000)
2084 0111 Poll Seen Board IMDb Poll Board's Favourite Film Rated 6.0 or Lower
2111 0112 Poll ------ Board Pitt, Cruise, DiCaprio and Depp, what should they have won the Oscar for?
2141 0113 Poll ------ Board Your favourite character is a...?
2170 0114 Poll Seen Board The Box Office 2014
2182 0115 Poll ------ Board The Best Movie Villains of 2014
2201 0116 Poll ------ Board What's your favourite sport?
2255 0117 Poll ------ Board Which Golden Globe winner do you think is the most likely for an Oscar?
Alphabetical Order
1133 0065 Poll ------ Board 10 CGI Creations in Popular Live Action Films
1491 0077 Poll Seen Board 20 Live Action Films with At Least One Animated Sequence
1926 0105 Poll ------ Board 25 Delightfully Hammy Performances
0834 0049 Poll ------ Board Alliterative movie characters
0926 0055 Poll ------ Board Alliterative TV Characters
1880 0103 Poll ------ Board Alter Ego's and A.K.A's
1234 0070 Poll ------ Board Animated Fathers!
1619 0087 Poll ------ Board Aye Aye, Captain!
1584 0082 Poll ------ Board Bad Movie Cops!
0835 0050 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" - 1929 - 2009
0690 0030 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1928 - 1939
0691 0031 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1940 - 1949
0692 0032 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1950 - 1959
0693 0033 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1960 - 1969
0694 0034 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1970 - 1979
0695 0035 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1980 - 1989
0696 0036 Poll Seen Board Best "Best Picture" 1990 - 1999
0796 0045 Poll Seen Board Best fake movie band?
0891 0053 Poll ------ Board Choose your bunny!
1268 0071 Poll ------ Board Classic Clothing - Movie Heroes!
1601 0085 Poll ------ Board Classic Clothing - Movie Villains!
0715 0038 Poll ------ Board Colourful Characters
2027 0108 Poll ------ Board Coolest looking (post 2000) 'super' hero!
0280 0002 Poll ------ Board Coolest looking (post 2000) 'super' villains!
0351 0007 Poll Seen Board Current Comedy Actors' Funniest Role?
0512 0019 Poll ------ Board Favourite secondary toy in Toy Story
0516 0020 Poll Seen Board Favourite set in prison TV show
1712 0092 Poll Seen Board Favourite Summer 2014 Blockbuster?
1814 0098 Poll ------ Board Female Title Characters, Part 1
1819 0099 Poll ------ Board Female Title Characters, Part 2
0424 0013 Poll Seen Board Films their stars disliked
0931 0056 Poll ------ Board Forbes Fictional 15's
2048 0109 Poll Seen Board Friday Face-Off: 2001: A Space Odyssey vs Interstellar
1221 0068 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: Barney Stinson Vs. Howard Wolowitz
0825 0046 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: Batman Vs The Joker
2079 0110 Poll Seen Board Friday Face-Off: Best Pictures vs IMDb No.1's (since 2000)
0719 0040 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: Colonel Hans Landa Vs Dr. King Schultz
1685 0090 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: Jaws vs Jaws
0649 0028 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: King Leonidas Vs Maximus Decimus Meridius
0940 0058 Poll ------ Board Friday Face-Off: Sci-Fi Vs Fantasy
0717 0039 Poll ------ Board Friday-Face Off: Which do you prefer TV Programmes or Movies?
1415 0072 Poll ------ Board Frost and Pegg in the Cornetto Trilogy
1458 0075 Poll ------ Board Gender Swap! Classic male characters to be played by a woman?
0739 0041 Poll Seen Board Good brother, Bad brother movie combinations
0568 0024 Poll Seen Board Greatest Movie Battle Scene?
0383 0011 Poll ------ Board Highest grossing movie-stars - where it all began
0952 0059 Poll ------ Board Hit-Men Pairings
0438 0014 Poll ------ Board I think I just saw... me!
1961 0107 Poll ------ Board Iconic Objects of Sci-Fi and Fantasy
0742 0042 Poll Seen Board If these titles were about superheroes I'd watch…
1541 0079 Poll ------ Board If you had a time machine would you travel to the past or to the future?
1691 0091 Poll ------ Board I'll Take a Glass of Milk!
1078 0064 Poll ------ Board I'm an inventor!
2084 0111 Poll Seen Board IMDb Poll Board's Favourite Film Rated 6.0 or Lower
0776 0044 Poll ------ Board Instantly Recognisable Voices
1001 0060 Poll Seen Board It Happened One... Day
1055 0062 Poll ------ Board Johnny Depp's strangest character?
1564 0080 Poll ------ Board Keep Calm and Take this Poll!
1230 0069 Poll ------ Board Looking Down the Barrel of Their Guns!
1876 0102 Poll ------ Board Lord of the Rings Villains vs Star Wars Villains
0339 0006 Poll Seen Board Man's Best Friend
1654 0089 Poll ------ Board Misfits: What power would you want?
0833 0048 Poll Seen Board Miyazaki The Great
0702 0037 Poll ------ Board Most Deserving Oscar Winning Quartet
0442 0015 Poll ------ Board Most Inspirational Disney Princess
0355 0008 Poll ------ Board Most Sinister Pixar Villain
0362 0009 Poll Seen Board Movie adaptations the author disliked
1734 0094 Poll ------ Board Movie characters that are really bad at what they do!
0826 0047 Poll ------ Board Movie Villains Played by Brits
0610 0027 Poll ------ Board Movie wo/man in a mask
2111 0112 Poll ------ Board Pitt, Cruise, DiCaprio and Depp, what should they have won the Oscar for?
0412 0012 Poll ------ Board Pulp Fiction - A busy few days!
0886 0052 Poll Seen Board Rejected movie titles of popular films
1826 0100 Poll ------ Board Similarities between Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings
1777 0097 Poll ------ Board Small Stars of the Big Screen!
0317 0004 Poll ------ Board The best acting dwarf
0329 0005 Poll ------ Board The best director/actor collaborations
0674 0029 Poll ------ Board The best male performance as a homosexual character
2182 0115 Poll ------ Board The Best Movie Villains of 2014
1830 0101 Poll Seen Board The Best Tagline of IMDb's Top 25 Movies?
0377 0010 Poll Seen Board The Box Office 2013
2170 0114 Poll Seen Board The Box Office 2014
1721 0093 Poll ------ Board The Greatest Hero/Villain Rivalries
1953 0106 Poll ------ Board The Greatest Mentor/ Student Relationship
1065 0063 Poll ------ Board The Joker (Character) Vs The Dark Knight (Film)
0577 0025 Poll ------ Board The least likely superhero?
1212 0067 Poll ------ Board The most impressive quiff?
1759 0096 Poll ------ Board The Narrators
1614 0086 Poll ------ Board The Shapeshifters
1496 0078 Poll ------ Board Top 10 Highest Paid Actors of 2014
1754 0095 Poll ------ Board Troubled Teens
0449 0016 Poll Seen Board We've hit one million votes!
0596 0026 Poll Seen Board What are you doing?
1043 0061 Poll ------ Board What is your favourite aspect of your favourite film?
1901 0104 Poll ------ Board What would you dress as for Halloween?
0287 0003 Poll ------ Board What's with the patch?
0529 0021 Poll Seen Board What's your favourite city?
2201 0116 Poll ------ Board What's your favourite sport?
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Sunday, January 25, 2015
Who Shot First Han Solo or Greedo?
According to this IMDb Poll it is clear that the majority of fans believe by a 6 to 1 margin that Han Solo shot first.
Discuss your answer here:
Current Results:
Plots of Results over Time
Raw Data
A poll by TsarStepan.
Since George Lucas released the special
edition version of Star Wars in 1997, the director emphatically stated
the newer edited version of the film is the only true version of the
film. In your opinion, who really shot first in the infamous cantina scene in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope?Discuss your answer here:
Current Results:
Plots of Results over Time
Date / Time (Pacific) | Total Votes | Votes Han Solo | Votes Greedo | Ratio | Percent Han Solo | Percent Greedo |
08/22/2014 15:11:19 | 173 | 157 | 16 | 9.813 | 90.8% | 9.2% |
08/23/2014 13:47:53 | 260 | 231 | 29 | 7.966 | 88.8% | 11.2% |
08/24/2014 15:42:51 | 310 | 275 | 35 | 7.857 | 88.7% | 11.3% |
08/25/2014 14:55:14 | 349 | 302 | 47 | 6.426 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
08/26/2014 19:01:00 | 379 | 328 | 51 | 6.431 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
08/27/2014 16:53:39 | 394 | 341 | 53 | 6.434 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
08/28/2014 18:31:55 | 416 | 359 | 57 | 6.298 | 86.3% | 13.7% |
08/29/2014 16:40:37 | 431 | 372 | 59 | 6.305 | 86.3% | 13.7% |
08/30/2014 17:56:59 | 447 | 388 | 59 | 6.576 | 86.8% | 13.2% |
08/31/2014 18:05:05 | 472 | 409 | 63 | 6.492 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
09/01/2014 17:12:03 | 481 | 417 | 64 | 6.516 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
09/02/2014 15:44:53 | 486 | 421 | 65 | 6.477 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
09/03/2014 14:59:36 | 493 | 426 | 67 | 6.358 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
09/04/2014 16:47:20 | 499 | 430 | 69 | 6.232 | 86.2% | 13.8% |
09/05/2014 18:26:07 | 508 | 437 | 71 | 6.155 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
09/06/2014 22:03:52 | 514 | 442 | 72 | 6.139 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
09/07/2014 18:46:23 | 520 | 446 | 74 | 6.027 | 85.8% | 14.2% |
09/08/2014 16:57:18 | 523 | 449 | 74 | 6.068 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
09/09/2014 19:28:06 | 531 | 457 | 74 | 6.176 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
09/10/2014 15:00:00 | 535 | 461 | 74 | 6.230 | 86.2% | 13.8% |
09/11/2014 16:48:28 | 541 | 467 | 74 | 6.311 | 86.3% | 13.7% |
09/12/2014 17:39:06 | 545 | 471 | 74 | 6.365 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
09/13/2014 18:06:46 | 546 | 472 | 74 | 6.378 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
09/15/2014 00:42:20 | 550 | 476 | 74 | 6.432 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
09/15/2014 15:40:06 | 555 | 481 | 74 | 6.500 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
09/16/2014 16:22:47 | 557 | 483 | 74 | 6.527 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
09/17/2014 16:43:41 | 566 | 490 | 76 | 6.447 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
09/18/2014 17:06:44 | 570 | 494 | 76 | 6.500 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
09/19/2014 19:28:54 | 572 | 494 | 78 | 6.333 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
09/20/2014 19:44:48 | 579 | 499 | 80 | 6.238 | 86.2% | 13.8% |
09/22/2014 00:28:07 | 584 | 502 | 82 | 6.122 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
09/22/2014 16:02:46 | 585 | 503 | 82 | 6.134 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
09/23/2014 16:26:36 | 587 | 505 | 82 | 6.159 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
09/29/2014 15:13:25 | 608 | 523 | 85 | 6.153 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
09/30/2014 22:07:05 | 615 | 530 | 85 | 6.235 | 86.2% | 13.8% |
10/01/2014 15:20:35 | 617 | 531 | 86 | 6.174 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
10/02/2014 17:01:22 | 619 | 533 | 86 | 6.198 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
10/03/2014 15:09:17 | 622 | 535 | 87 | 6.149 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
10/05/2014 00:38:46 | 627 | 538 | 89 | 6.045 | 85.8% | 14.2% |
10/05/2014 15:25:40 | 630 | 540 | 90 | 6.000 | 85.7% | 14.3% |
10/06/2014 15:00:33 | 633 | 542 | 91 | 5.956 | 85.6% | 14.4% |
10/07/2014 15:21:18 | 642 | 551 | 91 | 6.055 | 85.8% | 14.2% |
10/08/2014 17:26:48 | 646 | 555 | 91 | 6.099 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
10/09/2014 20:28:56 | 646 | 555 | 91 | 6.099 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
10/11/2014 01:15:09 | 649 | 558 | 91 | 6.132 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
10/11/2014 18:31:48 | 651 | 560 | 91 | 6.154 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
10/12/2014 15:28:48 | 655 | 564 | 91 | 6.198 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
10/13/2014 19:19:47 | 657 | 566 | 91 | 6.220 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
10/14/2014 15:00:36 | 657 | 566 | 91 | 6.220 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
10/15/2014 17:27:24 | 658 | 567 | 91 | 6.231 | 86.2% | 13.8% |
10/16/2014 15:45:34 | 662 | 570 | 92 | 6.196 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
10/18/2014 01:42:46 | 663 | 571 | 92 | 6.207 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
10/19/2014 16:20:36 | 666 | 574 | 92 | 6.239 | 86.2% | 13.8% |
10/20/2014 18:16:13 | 667 | 573 | 94 | 6.096 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
10/21/2014 15:59:11 | 672 | 577 | 95 | 6.074 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
10/22/2014 18:00:32 | 674 | 578 | 96 | 6.021 | 85.8% | 14.2% |
10/23/2014 16:22:24 | 675 | 579 | 96 | 6.031 | 85.8% | 14.2% |
10/24/2014 18:45:15 | 680 | 584 | 96 | 6.083 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
10/25/2014 14:09:37 | 683 | 587 | 96 | 6.115 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
10/26/2014 18:01:07 | 686 | 590 | 96 | 6.146 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
10/27/2014 14:17:37 | 690 | 593 | 97 | 6.113 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
10/28/2014 21:48:27 | 690 | 593 | 97 | 6.113 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
10/29/2014 16:09:19 | 693 | 594 | 99 | 6.000 | 85.7% | 14.3% |
10/30/2014 15:14:56 | 695 | 595 | 100 | 5.950 | 85.6% | 14.4% |
10/31/2014 19:54:13 | 699 | 599 | 100 | 5.990 | 85.7% | 14.3% |
11/01/2014 15:27:52 | 703 | 601 | 102 | 5.892 | 85.5% | 14.5% |
11/02/2014 16:42:00 | 706 | 604 | 102 | 5.922 | 85.6% | 14.4% |
11/03/2014 15:45:42 | 708 | 606 | 102 | 5.941 | 85.6% | 14.4% |
11/04/2014 17:20:14 | 709 | 607 | 102 | 5.951 | 85.6% | 14.4% |
11/05/2014 15:01:34 | 711 | 609 | 102 | 5.971 | 85.7% | 14.3% |
11/06/2014 17:37:53 | 712 | 609 | 103 | 5.913 | 85.5% | 14.5% |
11/07/2014 16:02:19 | 719 | 616 | 103 | 5.981 | 85.7% | 14.3% |
11/08/2014 14:04:43 | 725 | 622 | 103 | 6.039 | 85.8% | 14.2% |
11/09/2014 18:04:13 | 738 | 634 | 104 | 6.096 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
11/10/2014 18:04:50 | 741 | 637 | 104 | 6.125 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
11/11/2014 16:21:44 | 741 | 637 | 104 | 6.125 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
11/12/2014 15:39:13 | 743 | 638 | 105 | 6.076 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
11/13/2014 18:47:25 | 751 | 645 | 106 | 6.085 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
11/14/2014 20:26:12 | 752 | 646 | 106 | 6.094 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
11/15/2014 20:31:03 | 753 | 647 | 106 | 6.104 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
11/16/2014 16:02:28 | 754 | 648 | 106 | 6.113 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
11/17/2014 23:51:47 | 754 | 648 | 106 | 6.113 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
11/18/2014 15:16:54 | 755 | 649 | 106 | 6.123 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
11/19/2014 17:45:14 | 756 | 650 | 106 | 6.132 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
11/20/2014 18:05:18 | 756 | 650 | 106 | 6.132 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
11/21/2014 15:37:08 | 757 | 650 | 107 | 6.075 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
11/23/2014 03:22:24 | 757 | 650 | 107 | 6.075 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
11/23/2014 21:03:03 | 761 | 654 | 107 | 6.112 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
11/25/2014 15:53:51 | 764 | 656 | 108 | 6.074 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
11/26/2014 21:02:54 | 768 | 660 | 108 | 6.111 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
11/27/2014 15:19:39 | 768 | 660 | 108 | 6.111 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
11/28/2014 18:33:25 | 771 | 663 | 108 | 6.139 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
11/29/2014 14:59:04 | 772 | 664 | 108 | 6.148 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
11/30/2014 15:08:17 | 775 | 666 | 109 | 6.110 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
12/01/2014 15:03:53 | 776 | 667 | 109 | 6.119 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
12/02/2014 15:04:46 | 777 | 667 | 110 | 6.064 | 85.8% | 14.2% |
12/03/2014 21:57:23 | 779 | 669 | 110 | 6.082 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
12/04/2014 21:57:23 | 779 | 669 | 110 | 6.082 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
12/05/2014 20:49:49 | 780 | 670 | 110 | 6.091 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
12/06/2014 19:19:09 | 781 | 671 | 110 | 6.100 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
12/07/2014 18:06:15 | 782 | 672 | 110 | 6.109 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
12/08/2014 18:06:15 | 782 | 672 | 110 | 6.109 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
12/09/2014 15:12:31 | 782 | 672 | 110 | 6.109 | 85.9% | 14.1% |
12/10/2014 16:03:11 | 784 | 674 | 110 | 6.127 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
12/11/2014 15:45:43 | 784 | 674 | 110 | 6.127 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
12/13/2014 13:51:47 | 785 | 675 | 110 | 6.136 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
12/14/2014 13:51:47 | 786 | 676 | 110 | 6.145 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
12/15/2014 20:19:15 | 787 | 677 | 110 | 6.155 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
12/16/2014 23:20:16 | 788 | 678 | 110 | 6.164 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
12/17/2014 17:26:22 | 788 | 678 | 110 | 6.164 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
12/18/2014 21:46:23 | 789 | 679 | 110 | 6.173 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
12/20/2014 15:06:49 | 791 | 681 | 110 | 6.191 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
12/22/2014 00:10:26 | 799 | 687 | 112 | 6.134 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
12/22/2014 16:28:14 | 799 | 687 | 112 | 6.134 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
12/23/2014 15:58:58 | 800 | 688 | 112 | 6.143 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
12/25/2014 19:47:36 | 801 | 689 | 112 | 6.152 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
12/27/2014 21:41:17 | 803 | 691 | 112 | 6.170 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
12/28/2014 17:39:25 | 805 | 693 | 112 | 6.188 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
12/29/2014 16:06:11 | 805 | 693 | 112 | 6.188 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
12/30/2014 17:03:16 | 806 | 694 | 112 | 6.196 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
12/31/2014 14:03:20 | 807 | 695 | 112 | 6.205 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
01/01/2015 19:39:25 | 808 | 696 | 112 | 6.214 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
01/02/2015 15:13:21 | 809 | 696 | 113 | 6.159 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
01/03/2015 14:36:34 | 810 | 697 | 113 | 6.168 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
01/04/2015 21:23:46 | 810 | 697 | 113 | 6.168 | 86.0% | 14.0% |
01/06/2015 05:04:32 | 811 | 698 | 113 | 6.177 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
01/06/2015 18:27:38 | 811 | 698 | 113 | 6.177 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
01/07/2015 23:46:58 | 812 | 699 | 113 | 6.186 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
01/08/2015 16:54:34 | 814 | 701 | 113 | 6.204 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
01/09/2015 14:13:32 | 817 | 704 | 113 | 6.230 | 86.2% | 13.8% |
01/10/2015 17:06:14 | 826 | 712 | 114 | 6.246 | 86.2% | 13.8% |
01/11/2015 18:24:02 | 828 | 714 | 114 | 6.263 | 86.2% | 13.8% |
01/12/2015 14:14:58 | 828 | 714 | 114 | 6.263 | 86.2% | 13.8% |
01/13/2015 17:33:57 | 832 | 718 | 114 | 6.298 | 86.3% | 13.7% |
01/14/2015 17:33:57 | 833 | 719 | 114 | 6.307 | 86.3% | 13.7% |
01/15/2015 18:51:50 | 836 | 722 | 114 | 6.333 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
01/16/2015 15:39:33 | 837 | 723 | 114 | 6.342 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
01/18/2015 23:34:24 | 839 | 724 | 115 | 6.296 | 86.3% | 13.7% |
01/19/2015 16:33:59 | 841 | 726 | 115 | 6.313 | 86.3% | 13.7% |
01/20/2015 16:02:42 | 842 | 727 | 115 | 6.322 | 86.3% | 13.7% |
01/21/2015 16:09:08 | 843 | 728 | 115 | 6.330 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
01/22/2015 15:40:03 | 844 | 729 | 115 | 6.339 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
01/23/2015 16:16:13 | 846 | 731 | 115 | 6.357 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
01/24/2015 21:29:22 | 846 | 731 | 115 | 6.357 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
01/25/2015 19:20:47 | 846 | 731 | 115 | 6.357 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
01/26/2015 15:30:22 | 848 | 733 | 115 | 6.374 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
01/27/2015 13:43:42 | 848 | 733 | 115 | 6.374 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
01/28/2015 13:56:42 | 850 | 735 | 115 | 6.391 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
01/29/2015 14:03:22 | 851 | 736 | 115 | 6.400 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
01/30/2015 14:05:10 | 853 | 738 | 115 | 6.417 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
01/31/2015 17:45:00 | 854 | 739 | 115 | 6.426 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
02/01/2015 16:47:26 | 856 | 741 | 115 | 6.443 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
02/02/2015 17:02:30 | 857 | 742 | 115 | 6.452 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
02/03/2015 15:49:55 | 858 | 743 | 115 | 6.461 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
02/04/2015 15:49:55 | 859 | 744 | 115 | 6.470 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
02/05/2015 14:29:03 | 859 | 744 | 115 | 6.470 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
02/06/2015 13:29:48 | 860 | 745 | 115 | 6.478 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
02/07/2015 14:03:54 | 860 | 745 | 115 | 6.478 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
02/08/2015 15:04:44 | 861 | 746 | 115 | 6.487 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
02/10/2015 16:56:58 | 865 | 750 | 115 | 6.522 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
02/11/2015 18:17:44 | 869 | 753 | 116 | 6.491 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
02/12/2015 21:38:27 | 873 | 756 | 117 | 6.462 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
02/13/2015 22:09:52 | 873 | 756 | 117 | 6.462 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
02/14/2015 18:22:16 | 873 | 756 | 117 | 6.462 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
02/15/2015 16:31:29 | 874 | 757 | 117 | 6.470 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
02/16/2015 15:44:34 | 876 | 759 | 117 | 6.487 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
02/17/2015 15:54:59 | 876 | 759 | 117 | 6.487 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
02/18/2015 18:36:39 | 880 | 763 | 117 | 6.521 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
02/20/2015 17:04:53 | 882 | 764 | 118 | 6.475 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
02/21/2015 14:09:39 | 883 | 765 | 118 | 6.483 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
02/22/2015 23:37:02 | 886 | 768 | 118 | 6.508 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
02/23/2015 22:08:42 | 887 | 769 | 118 | 6.517 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
02/24/2015 22:43:55 | 889 | 769 | 120 | 6.408 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
02/26/2015 14:11:15 | 893 | 773 | 120 | 6.442 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
02/27/2015 16:30:18 | 896 | 775 | 121 | 6.405 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
02/28/2015 18:19:09 | 900 | 778 | 122 | 6.377 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
03/01/2015 18:19:09 | 908 | 784 | 124 | 6.323 | 86.3% | 13.7% |
03/02/2015 11:51:59 | 910 | 785 | 125 | 6.280 | 86.3% | 13.7% |
03/03/2015 13:05:26 | 912 | 786 | 126 | 6.238 | 86.2% | 13.8% |
03/04/2015 13:37:49 | 913 | 787 | 126 | 6.246 | 86.2% | 13.8% |
03/05/2015 16:06:36 | 917 | 791 | 126 | 6.278 | 86.3% | 13.7% |
03/06/2015 19:25:53 | 920 | 794 | 126 | 6.302 | 86.3% | 13.7% |
03/07/2015 19:18:50 | 921 | 795 | 126 | 6.310 | 86.3% | 13.7% |
03/08/2015 16:00:54 | 922 | 795 | 127 | 6.260 | 86.2% | 13.8% |
03/09/2015 14:09:13 | 924 | 796 | 128 | 6.219 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
03/10/2015 16:51:40 | 925 | 796 | 129 | 6.171 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
03/11/2015 13:48:55 | 925 | 796 | 129 | 6.171 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
03/12/2015 14:24:24 | 926 | 797 | 129 | 6.178 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
03/13/2015 15:19:51 | 927 | 798 | 129 | 6.186 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
03/14/2015 21:05:55 | 929 | 800 | 129 | 6.202 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
03/15/2015 15:18:57 | 930 | 801 | 129 | 6.209 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
03/16/2015 23:55:18 | 931 | 802 | 129 | 6.217 | 86.1% | 13.9% |
03/17/2015 14:04:08 | 932 | 803 | 129 | 6.225 | 86.2% | 13.8% |
03/18/2015 13:23:47 | 934 | 805 | 129 | 6.240 | 86.2% | 13.8% |
03/19/2015 13:32:52 | 936 | 807 | 129 | 6.256 | 86.2% | 13.8% |
03/20/2015 14:13:05 | 936 | 807 | 129 | 6.256 | 86.2% | 13.8% |
03/21/2015 13:03:48 | 936 | 807 | 129 | 6.256 | 86.2% | 13.8% |
03/22/2015 14:26:06 | 936 | 807 | 129 | 6.256 | 86.2% | 13.8% |
03/23/2015 12:53:55 | 937 | 808 | 129 | 6.264 | 86.2% | 13.8% |
03/25/2015 23:33:43 | 945 | 815 | 130 | 6.269 | 86.2% | 13.8% |
03/26/2015 13:44:42 | 947 | 817 | 130 | 6.285 | 86.3% | 13.7% |
03/27/2015 21:12:01 | 948 | 818 | 130 | 6.292 | 86.3% | 13.7% |
03/28/2015 12:32:20 | 948 | 818 | 130 | 6.292 | 86.3% | 13.7% |
03/29/2015 13:46:14 | 949 | 819 | 130 | 6.300 | 86.3% | 13.7% |
03/30/2015 17:02:19 | 950 | 820 | 130 | 6.308 | 86.3% | 13.7% |
03/31/2015 19:30:57 | 950 | 820 | 130 | 6.308 | 86.3% | 13.7% |
04/01/2015 23:14:36 | 954 | 824 | 130 | 6.338 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
04/02/2015 13:44:21 | 954 | 825 | 129 | 6.395 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
04/03/2015 19:17:55 | 956 | 827 | 129 | 6.411 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
04/04/2015 14:50:40 | 957 | 828 | 129 | 6.419 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
04/05/2015 13:40:21 | 959 | 830 | 129 | 6.434 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
04/06/2015 15:36:37 | 960 | 831 | 129 | 6.442 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
04/07/2015 15:36:37 | 962 | 833 | 129 | 6.457 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
04/08/2015 15:34:58 | 965 | 835 | 130 | 6.423 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
04/09/2015 23:18:59 | 967 | 837 | 130 | 6.438 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
04/10/2015 14:01:02 | 968 | 838 | 130 | 6.446 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
04/11/2015 22:24:28 | 968 | 838 | 130 | 6.446 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
04/13/2015 02:28:45 | 969 | 839 | 130 | 6.454 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
04/13/2015 14:17:26 | 970 | 840 | 130 | 6.462 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
04/14/2015 12:31:12 | 971 | 841 | 130 | 6.469 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
04/17/2015 00:06:41 | 975 | 844 | 131 | 6.443 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
04/17/2015 18:09:47 | 979 | 847 | 132 | 6.417 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
04/18/2015 13:41:08 | 979 | 847 | 132 | 6.417 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
04/19/2015 13:41:08 | 984 | 850 | 134 | 6.343 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
04/20/2015 18:27:44 | 993 | 858 | 135 | 6.356 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
04/21/2015 13:42:47 | 996 | 861 | 135 | 6.378 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
04/22/2015 11:32:07 | 998 | 863 | 135 | 6.393 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
04/23/2015 13:45:29 | 1003 | 866 | 137 | 6.321 | 86.3% | 13.7% |
04/24/2015 20:49:36 | 1004 | 867 | 137 | 6.328 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
04/25/2015 21:22:41 | 1005 | 868 | 137 | 6.336 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
04/26/2015 14:40:35 | 1006 | 869 | 137 | 6.343 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
04/27/2015 10:49:12 | 1007 | 870 | 137 | 6.350 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
04/28/2015 12:37:47 | 1009 | 872 | 137 | 6.365 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
04/29/2015 13:22:18 | 1011 | 874 | 137 | 6.380 | 86.4% | 13.6% |
04/30/2015 16:13:16 | 1013 | 876 | 137 | 6.394 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
05/01/2015 20:11:53 | 1016 | 879 | 137 | 6.416 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
05/02/2015 13:28:49 | 1016 | 879 | 137 | 6.416 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
05/03/2015 12:30:55 | 1016 | 879 | 137 | 6.416 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
05/04/2015 23:23:06 | 1020 | 883 | 137 | 6.445 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
05/05/2015 16:54:43 | 1024 | 887 | 137 | 6.474 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
05/06/2015 16:54:43 | 1025 | 888 | 137 | 6.482 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
05/07/2015 14:00:31 | 1027 | 890 | 137 | 6.496 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
05/08/2015 22:52:25 | 1029 | 892 | 137 | 6.511 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
05/09/2015 18:19:47 | 1031 | 894 | 137 | 6.526 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
05/10/2015 15:52:45 | 1032 | 895 | 137 | 6.533 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
05/11/2015 14:06:44 | 1032 | 895 | 137 | 6.533 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
05/12/2015 13:13:33 | 1035 | 897 | 138 | 6.500 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
05/13/2015 13:58:07 | 1036 | 897 | 139 | 6.453 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
05/14/2015 23:57:30 | 1037 | 898 | 139 | 6.460 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
05/15/2015 18:57:03 | 1037 | 898 | 139 | 6.460 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
05/16/2015 14:14:05 | 1037 | 898 | 139 | 6.460 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
05/17/2015 17:42:27 | 1038 | 899 | 139 | 6.468 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
05/18/2015 17:42:27 | 1038 | 899 | 139 | 6.468 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
05/20/2015 15:20:19 | 1041 | 901 | 140 | 6.436 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
05/20/2015 23:48:29 | 1042 | 902 | 140 | 6.443 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
05/21/2015 16:10:42 | 1042 | 902 | 140 | 6.443 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
05/22/2015 16:20:37 | 1044 | 904 | 140 | 6.457 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
05/23/2015 21:16:04 | 1045 | 905 | 140 | 6.464 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
05/24/2015 01:22:33 | 1045 | 905 | 140 | 6.464 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
05/24/2015 20:27:53 | 1045 | 905 | 140 | 6.464 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
05/25/2015 20:22:51 | 1046 | 905 | 141 | 6.418 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
05/26/2015 14:46:55 | 1050 | 908 | 142 | 6.394 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
05/27/2015 01:10:41 | 1050 | 908 | 142 | 6.394 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
05/27/2015 13:29:43 | 1053 | 911 | 142 | 6.415 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
05/28/2015 02:21:06 | 1054 | 912 | 142 | 6.423 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
05/28/2015 22:31:23 | 1056 | 914 | 142 | 6.437 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
05/30/2015 03:05:04 | 1059 | 917 | 142 | 6.458 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
05/31/2015 01:21:04 | 1060 | 918 | 142 | 6.465 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
05/31/2015 22:16:34 | 1064 | 921 | 143 | 6.441 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
06/01/2015 21:07:14 | 1064 | 921 | 143 | 6.441 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
06/02/2015 23:26:55 | 1066 | 923 | 143 | 6.455 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
06/04/2015 00:27:40 | 1066 | 923 | 143 | 6.455 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
06/05/2015 18:15:47 | 1069 | 926 | 143 | 6.476 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
06/07/2015 02:23:51 | 1071 | 927 | 144 | 6.438 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
06/07/2015 23:37:55 | 1073 | 929 | 144 | 6.451 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
06/08/2015 22:16:46 | 1073 | 929 | 144 | 6.451 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
06/10/2015 16:01:55 | 1073 | 929 | 144 | 6.451 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
06/10/2015 23:47:44 | 1073 | 929 | 144 | 6.451 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
06/11/2015 23:44:09 | 1074 | 930 | 144 | 6.458 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
06/13/2015 00:00:28 | 1074 | 930 | 144 | 6.458 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
06/14/2015 00:00:28 | 1078 | 934 | 144 | 6.486 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
06/15/2015 02:18:52 | 1078 | 934 | 144 | 6.486 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
06/16/2015 04:29:55 | 1079 | 935 | 144 | 6.493 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
06/16/2015 23:22:23 | 1079 | 935 | 144 | 6.493 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
06/18/2015 02:27:27 | 1081 | 937 | 144 | 6.507 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
06/19/2015 01:11:31 | 1081 | 937 | 144 | 6.507 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
06/20/2015 01:22:56 | 1083 | 939 | 144 | 6.521 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
06/21/2015 01:32:48 | 1085 | 940 | 145 | 6.483 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
06/21/2015 22:47:05 | 1086 | 941 | 145 | 6.490 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
06/23/2015 00:33:16 | 1088 | 943 | 145 | 6.503 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
06/23/2015 20:55:43 | 1090 | 945 | 145 | 6.517 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
06/25/2015 01:08:29 | 1090 | 945 | 145 | 6.517 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
06/25/2015 22:34:43 | 1092 | 947 | 145 | 6.531 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
06/27/2015 05:56:45 | 1093 | 948 | 145 | 6.538 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
06/28/2015 01:20:12 | 1096 | 951 | 145 | 6.559 | 86.8% | 13.2% |
06/29/2015 03:06:37 | 1099 | 954 | 145 | 6.579 | 86.8% | 13.2% |
06/30/2015 02:47:20 | 1101 | 956 | 145 | 6.593 | 86.8% | 13.2% |
06/30/2015 23:34:33 | 1101 | 956 | 145 | 6.593 | 86.8% | 13.2% |
07/02/2015 00:22:00 | 1101 | 956 | 145 | 6.593 | 86.8% | 13.2% |
07/03/2015 00:22:00 | 1101 | 956 | 145 | 6.593 | 86.8% | 13.2% |
07/04/2015 02:01:35 | 1101 | 956 | 145 | 6.593 | 86.8% | 13.2% |
07/05/2015 00:57:36 | 1103 | 958 | 145 | 6.607 | 86.9% | 13.1% |
07/06/2015 00:00:13 | 1106 | 960 | 146 | 6.575 | 86.8% | 13.2% |
07/06/2015 20:34:00 | 1106 | 960 | 146 | 6.575 | 86.8% | 13.2% |
07/07/2015 22:06:12 | 1107 | 960 | 147 | 6.531 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
07/09/2015 01:54:37 | 1107 | 960 | 147 | 6.531 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
07/10/2015 14:22:28 | 1108 | 961 | 147 | 6.537 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
07/11/2015 01:22:47 | 1108 | 961 | 147 | 6.537 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
07/12/2015 01:14:18 | 1110 | 962 | 148 | 6.500 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
07/12/2015 20:04:50 | 1111 | 963 | 148 | 6.507 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
07/13/2015 23:35:25 | 1111 | 963 | 148 | 6.507 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
07/14/2015 19:39:54 | 1111 | 963 | 148 | 6.507 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
07/15/2015 22:36:06 | 1112 | 964 | 148 | 6.514 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
07/17/2015 02:07:44 | 1113 | 964 | 149 | 6.470 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
07/18/2015 00:12:29 | 1114 | 966 | 148 | 6.527 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
07/19/2015 13:35:15 | 1114 | 966 | 148 | 6.527 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
07/20/2015 00:30:45 | 1115 | 967 | 148 | 6.534 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
07/20/2015 19:48:16 | 1115 | 967 | 148 | 6.534 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
07/21/2015 19:03:04 | 1116 | 968 | 148 | 6.541 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
07/22/2015 22:22:03 | 1118 | 968 | 150 | 6.453 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
07/23/2015 23:14:15 | 1119 | 969 | 150 | 6.460 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
07/25/2015 02:27:26 | 1119 | 969 | 150 | 6.460 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
07/26/2015 01:00:44 | 1120 | 970 | 150 | 6.467 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
07/26/2015 23:27:52 | 1120 | 970 | 150 | 6.467 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
07/27/2015 21:51:36 | 1121 | 971 | 150 | 6.473 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
07/28/2015 21:38:36 | 1122 | 972 | 150 | 6.480 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
07/29/2015 23:27:28 | 1123 | 973 | 150 | 6.487 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
07/31/2015 01:31:29 | 1125 | 974 | 151 | 6.450 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
07/31/2015 21:29:10 | 1126 | 975 | 151 | 6.457 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
08/01/2015 20:16:52 | 1129 | 977 | 152 | 6.428 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
08/03/2015 00:40:30 | 1129 | 977 | 152 | 6.428 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
08/03/2015 20:40:37 | 1132 | 979 | 153 | 6.399 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
08/04/2015 21:49:27 | 1133 | 980 | 153 | 6.405 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
08/05/2015 23:32:17 | 1133 | 980 | 153 | 6.405 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
08/06/2015 21:09:21 | 1133 | 980 | 153 | 6.405 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
08/08/2015 00:28:50 | 1134 | 981 | 153 | 6.412 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
08/09/2015 02:11:41 | 1135 | 982 | 153 | 6.418 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
08/09/2015 23:56:19 | 1138 | 985 | 153 | 6.438 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
08/10/2015 19:20:47 | 1139 | 986 | 153 | 6.444 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
08/11/2015 19:49:33 | 1141 | 987 | 154 | 6.409 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
08/13/2015 01:43:55 | 1141 | 987 | 154 | 6.409 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
08/13/2015 21:41:58 | 1141 | 987 | 154 | 6.409 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
08/15/2015 00:11:15 | 1141 | 988 | 153 | 6.458 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
08/16/2015 00:32:46 | 1144 | 991 | 153 | 6.477 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
08/17/2015 10:53:38 | 1145 | 991 | 154 | 6.435 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
08/18/2015 00:09:21 | 1145 | 991 | 154 | 6.435 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
08/18/2015 19:28:55 | 1147 | 993 | 154 | 6.448 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
08/21/2015 05:07:27 | 1147 | 993 | 154 | 6.448 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
08/22/2015 08:02:38 | 1148 | 994 | 154 | 6.455 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
08/23/2015 21:12:27 | 1152 | 998 | 154 | 6.481 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
08/24/2015 16:43:39 | 1152 | 998 | 154 | 6.481 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
08/24/2015 22:13:32 | 1152 | 998 | 154 | 6.481 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
08/25/2015 18:36:19 | 1153 | 999 | 154 | 6.487 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
08/27/2015 11:10:30 | 1153 | 999 | 154 | 6.487 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
08/28/2015 10:44:22 | 1154 | 1000 | 154 | 6.494 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
08/29/2015 02:10:46 | 1155 | 1001 | 154 | 6.500 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
08/30/2015 02:13:52 | 1155 | 1001 | 154 | 6.500 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
08/30/2015 23:54:35 | 1155 | 1001 | 154 | 6.500 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
08/31/2015 21:53:14 | 1155 | 1001 | 154 | 6.500 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
09/01/2015 17:35:47 | 1155 | 1001 | 154 | 6.500 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
09/03/2015 00:12:53 | 1157 | 1001 | 156 | 6.417 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
09/04/2015 00:06:16 | 1158 | 1002 | 156 | 6.423 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
09/05/2015 01:16:33 | 1159 | 1003 | 156 | 6.429 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
09/06/2015 01:22:41 | 1160 | 1003 | 157 | 6.389 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
09/07/2015 00:47:28 | 1161 | 1004 | 157 | 6.395 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
09/07/2015 21:51:27 | 1161 | 1004 | 157 | 6.395 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
09/08/2015 19:18:05 | 1161 | 1004 | 157 | 6.395 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
09/10/2015 02:25:25 | 1161 | 1004 | 157 | 6.395 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
09/10/2015 23:14:30 | 1162 | 1005 | 157 | 6.401 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
09/12/2015 12:14:47 | 1162 | 1005 | 157 | 6.401 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
09/13/2015 02:02:18 | 1162 | 1005 | 157 | 6.401 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
09/14/2015 11:43:49 | 1170 | 1013 | 157 | 6.452 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
09/14/2015 22:28:42 | 1170 | 1013 | 157 | 6.452 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
09/15/2015 20:16:32 | 1172 | 1014 | 158 | 6.418 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
09/17/2015 08:03:51 | 1172 | 1014 | 158 | 6.418 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
09/17/2015 22:53:18 | 1172 | 1014 | 158 | 6.418 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
09/19/2015 02:07:36 | 1173 | 1015 | 158 | 6.424 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
09/20/2015 08:48:15 | 1175 | 1017 | 158 | 6.437 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
09/21/2015 08:48:15 | 1175 | 1017 | 158 | 6.437 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
09/21/2015 20:23:00 | 1176 | 1018 | 158 | 6.443 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
09/22/2015 18:52:21 | 1177 | 1018 | 159 | 6.403 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
09/24/2015 00:50:03 | 1177 | 1018 | 159 | 6.403 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
09/25/2015 00:32:19 | 1178 | 1019 | 159 | 6.409 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
09/26/2015 01:21:55 | 1180 | 1021 | 159 | 6.421 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
09/27/2015 01:16:20 | 1180 | 1021 | 159 | 6.421 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
09/28/2015 01:19:01 | 1181 | 1022 | 159 | 6.428 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
09/28/2015 20:09:36 | 1181 | 1022 | 159 | 6.428 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
09/29/2015 20:09:36 | 1182 | 1023 | 159 | 6.434 | 86.5% | 13.5% |
10/01/2015 04:07:46 | 1183 | 1024 | 159 | 6.440 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
10/02/2015 00:45:41 | 1184 | 1025 | 159 | 6.447 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
10/02/2015 04:12:53 | 1184 | 1025 | 159 | 6.447 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
10/03/2015 04:54:13 | 1184 | 1025 | 159 | 6.447 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
10/04/2015 01:23:37 | 1184 | 1025 | 159 | 6.447 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
10/04/2015 22:24:51 | 1184 | 1025 | 159 | 6.447 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
10/06/2015 00:27:07 | 1185 | 1026 | 159 | 6.453 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
10/06/2015 23:20:51 | 1186 | 1027 | 159 | 6.459 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
10/07/2015 22:15:44 | 1186 | 1027 | 159 | 6.459 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
10/08/2015 23:43:00 | 1188 | 1029 | 159 | 6.472 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
10/10/2015 01:23:33 | 1188 | 1029 | 159 | 6.472 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
10/11/2015 07:31:38 | 1189 | 1030 | 159 | 6.478 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
10/12/2015 00:02:03 | 1190 | 1031 | 159 | 6.484 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
10/12/2015 21:50:24 | 1190 | 1031 | 159 | 6.484 | 86.6% | 13.4% |
10/14/2015 00:21:38 | 1192 | 1033 | 159 | 6.497 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
10/15/2015 00:57:41 | 1193 | 1034 | 159 | 6.503 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
10/16/2015 01:47:47 | 1194 | 1035 | 159 | 6.509 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
10/17/2015 01:41:04 | 1195 | 1036 | 159 | 6.516 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
10/18/2015 02:22:47 | 1196 | 1037 | 159 | 6.522 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
10/18/2015 19:54:41 | 1196 | 1037 | 159 | 6.522 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
10/19/2015 20:32:24 | 1196 | 1037 | 159 | 6.522 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
10/21/2015 00:26:46 | 1196 | 1037 | 159 | 6.522 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
10/21/2015 23:10:17 | 1196 | 1037 | 159 | 6.522 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
10/23/2015 01:02:04 | 1197 | 1038 | 159 | 6.528 | 86.7% | 13.3% |
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