After October 6, 2019, sampling will only be reported at most monthly for years before 2018 due to the size of the data sets.
- 2019-10-06 IMDb Polls
- 2019-10-06 IMDb Polls - Descending Order of Votes
- 2019-10-06 IMDb Polls - Descending Order of Rate
- 2019-10-06 IMDb Polls - Descending Order of Contention
- 2019-10-06 Hotly Contested
- 2019-10-06 IMDb Polls - Alphabetical
- 2019-10-06 Friday Face-Off Polls
- 2019-10-06 Titles Seen from Poll - Alphabetical by Poll
- 2019-10-06 Home Page Polls
- 2019-10-06 IMDb Polls - Alphabetical by Author
- 2019-10-06 IMDb Polls - Descending Order of Votes by Author
- 2019-10-06 Categories
- 2019-10-06 IMDb Polls - Votes by Author
- 2019-10-06 Top IMDb Polls
- 2019-10-06 Summary Statistics